Bill Made me do it

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
May 9, 2005
Hello All
Bill & Jolenes Folks here.  Bill (me) is visiting and setting this up.  met some of you at the Maine Rally adn at the Scottish game rally.  Hopefully, we will find our way in more now.

Rip & Marge

Rip and Marge,

Welcome to our friendly forum.
Rip and Marge,

Welcome to the RV Form, and thanks to Bill for helping you get on with us.  Hope you enjoy the RV Forum.  Do you still have the Bounder?

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad to see you here and hope that you make this a regular stop on your on-line forays.
Well,  made them do it, now to get them here occasionally.  Ron, they have a Bounder still, but not sure if the same as you refer to.  They have an 02 now. 
BillnRI said:
Well,? made them do it, now to get them here occasionally.? Ron, they have a Bounder still, but not sure if the same as you refer to.? They have an 02 now.?

They upgraded to a newer model since we met them.
Rip and Marge!

I recall meeting you in Maine.  Glad you've joined the RV Forum.  Looking forward to your participation here.
BillnRI said:
Well,  made them do it, now to get them here occasionally.  Ron, they have a Bounder still, but not sure if the same as you refer to.  They have an 02 now. 


I'm sure I told you how we discovered they had a new rig. Went looking for them at Brooksville as we know they always go. Called their cell phone several times. Walked all over the grounds looking for the Bounder with the red North Pole plate on the front. Finally spotted your mom walking quickly, as she always does, across the lot. Caught up with her and she informed us they had the new rig, changed their cell phone number and removed the plate!!! All that and we still found them!! ;D ;D ;D

Hope they do visit occasionally. We just have to make sure everyone doesn't send in their Christmas wish list!!! ;D


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