Boondocking Article in Family Motor Coaching

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011

I see there is an article in my Family Motor Coaching Magazine on bookdocking. In November Issue page 78. It more or less covers the process that has been discussed here in one informative article. Just thought I would post for those who might want to read the article. Happy camping!
Hi camperAL,

Thanks for the info.

Is the article available for non FMCA associates (ie, at their website)?

Hi VallAndMo,

I have no idea if they post articles that are found in the magazine online. Sorry! Figured that if you came across the magazine you could read it or if you really had to know what was in the article buy a copy at a news stand. It was just a heads up.
I believe previous issues are available on the website, so next month non-members should be able to read this months issue. The October issue is online now.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
I believe previous issues are available on the website, so next month non-members should be able to read this months issue. The October issue is online now.

You must be a member:

[size=14pt]You are not signed in or your account is not linked to a membership.[/size]
Gary RV_Wizard said:
I believe previous issues are available on the website, so next month non-members should be able to read this months issue. The October issue is online now.

Like Gary said, the article will be available to non-members in the web archive after next month's issue comes out.  The October issue is the latest currently available to non-members, the article is in the November issue and will be available on-line after the next issue comes out.

It's interesting, though ... this is the first time I visited the FMCA website using this tablet and when I tried Gary's link, I got that same message.  Then I tried a second time and I got through to the site.  My guess is that page is normally not directly accessed and needs to see a cookie left by a previous visit to an FMCA Web page.
Hi Gary,

Thanks for the link! I always appreciate your input on items in the forum! Sorry for the delay to non-members but thought the article might be of interest to members. Happy camping!
Hi Gary, Lou,

VallAndMo said:
Thanks Gary! Will have a look this time next month.

So 1 month passed and I went there and checked, and sure enough now there's a link to the article:

But when I click on it, all I get is a message stating that "You are not signed in or your account is not linked to a membership".

Lou Schneider said:
Like Gary said, the article will be available to non-members in the web archive after next month's issue comes out.  The October issue is the latest currently available to non-members, the article is in the November issue and will be available on-line after the next issue comes out.

It seems that, after a month, non-members are able to see the links to the articles, but but the articles themselves... :-\

Of course FMCA is within their rights, but I do wonder what's the point...

The November issue is not yet available under "Back Issues". When it is, all the articles should be viewable by anyone.

To check, go to the FMCA Back Issues  archive (it's the tab adjacent to "Current Issue" and select "2017 Back Issues", which will list the months available for viewing.
Hi All,

The issue is now online (see Gary's link), however it says you need to sign in for an account. I don't know if you have to be a member or not to do this but a heads up anyway.

Al, appears that a membership number is required to look at past articles.  Here are a few articles that are out on the web that you can go directly to:

Appears there are many articles on the subject on the web.

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