Brake Buddy problems

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New member
Jul 18, 2005
Has anyone had any problems with the brake buddy towing system. I lost my front brakes on the towed vehicle becuse the arm extended and locked up.
This is the first report I've read of a problem with the Brake Buddy.

>>This is the first report I've read of a problem with the Brake Buddy.<<

There have been several mentions of this on other forums. The popular fix is to use a bunji cord to pull pack the brake pedal so it doesn't drag.

At Clark Fork, ID
ckirkingburg said:
Has anyone had any problems with the brake buddy towing system. I lost my front brakes on the towed vehicle because the arm extended and locked up.

First report I have seen about problems with the brake buddy. ?Could this have been the result of the breakaway cable pulling the pin enough to cause the breaks to set. ?That is the only thing I can think of to cause the piston to extend and remain extended. ?

Have you called Break Buddy in Colorado?
Terry A. Brewer said:
The popular fix is to use a bunji cord to pull pack the brake pedal so it doesn't drag.

Thanks Terry. This is almost as bad as the problem I had with the BrakePro. I don't think I'd rely on a bungy cord for my braking or release. One more reason for M&G.
I don't have a Break Buddy, Pro, or Master  (I went with the Unified Gear "Decelerator" system)

But I can tell you of a problem... This is *NOT* your problem however

When the tecnichins installed the Decelerator they had to remove a plastic panel that covers the underside of the Dash (Totally unneeded piece of plastic near as I can tell)  When they replaced it they put it in wrong

The result is that it fell down, caught the pedal when the Decelerator pulled it down all the way at hookup and caused the brakes to drag while I towed it

Thankfully the damage was minor... I've removed the panel and next time I visit the shop will be serving up a good size dish of deep fried technician.....

And the first time I get close to Unified Gear I'm going to have them review the instalation as well.  Many nits, but that was the only major issue... NOTE: This is all to do with the instalation, nothing to do with the product... I am very happy with the product,

It works well... I have not been able to do the degree of testing I'd like to do, but I have confirmed it works as advertised

(To test it properly I need a driver in the rig and an observer in the towed, I need a closed track with both dirt and pavement, and we need radio communications... That last we have, but alas, I'd need to be the observer, and my wife won't drive

Hopefully I'll find a good closed track (Vacant mall parking lot perhaps) some day we can test in/on

>>I don't think I'd rely on a bungy cord for my braking or release. <<

I don't know if it is car specific or individual Brake Buddies...The two cars I remember mentioned were a Honda & a Range Rover.

I would go with a M&G even on a gas unit.

At Clark Fork, ID
Have you contacted Brake Buddy about the problem?  I have seen reports of excellent customer service from BB and I'm sure they would be very interested in the possibility that their unit may have failed in some way.

THe only thing I can think of that could cause this is a failure in the Breakaway mechanism, as Ron suggested. That could be either the wiring in your vehicle or in the BB itself.

To answer your original question, no, I have not ever heard of that problem before. There are many thousands of Brake Buddies in use and their quality record is very, very good.
I sent the unit back to Brake Buddy, Now Hopkins Mfg. They received on July 22. I cantacted them on Aug 2 and was told they havent had a cahnce to check it out.  Dennis Warthen who I talked appearred very cold and non responsive. I hope to have better luck next time.
Our companion couple on this trip had the non-release problem with their BB when it was 3 years old. They called BB and they paid for delivery in both directions and corrected the problem free.
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