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bill hamilton

Jul 3, 2005
Hello all,

We are leaving from Ohio going to Branson Mo. and wondering if anyone out there can gives us any tips on places to see along the way with our two kids, 8 and 12. While in Branson, we are staying at the "Americas Best Campground" Thanks, Bill
bill hamilton said:
Hello all,

We are leaving from Ohio going to Branson Mo. and wondering if anyone out there can gives us any tips on places to see along the way with our two kids, 8 and 12. While in Branson, we are staying at the "Americas Best Campground" Thanks, Bill


My wife and I just came from Branson. Some of the things to see on the way, The Arch in St. Louis. If you don't have claustrophobia, be sure to take the elevator to the top of the Arch. Go early, by the afternoon there will be a waiting list to get on the elevator. My wife and I enjoyed Grants Farm also in SL. This is the Clydesdales Farm for Budwiser. Closer to Branson at Springfield, Mo. is the Bass Pro Shops Store. Very interesting.

In Branson be sure to take the kids to Silver Dollar City. Have them wear clothes that they can get wet in. A lot of the rides you'll get wet on. It's really a fun place. Spent all day there in 2000 with our grandson.

If you're Escapees, there is a real nice SKP park just across the river at 1376 US 65 Business
Hollister, MO 65672  417-335-8004

Hope this helps. If you have anymore questions just ask.

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