Breaking a tow vehicle when engine is in ACC mode

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2012
As I am about to start towing a 2011 Lincoln MKZ Hybrid with a fleetwood 2011 Terra,
a question comes to mind (perhaps a little late).  How does the car break when the engine is not running (I am getting a RVi break assist)? Knowing little about mechanics doesn't the car need to be on for the breaks to work?

Thanks in advance for your insight.
....doesn't the car need to be on for the breaks to work

No!!. There are many auxiliary braking systems, including RVi, available to install in your car. They are usually connected to a battery source in the car but have their own brake pedal activating mechanism and do not require the power assist found in most modern vehicles. In fact, several (most?) require that the vacuum assist system be emptied by pumping the brake pedal during set-up as the auxiliary system is strong enough in itself to apply the brakes without the outside help of the braking system power assist.
Thanks Tom & Stu!

I am checking out the library article now.

Hopefully the car brakes while being towed, not breaks.  :eek: 

Sure the one and only time I have used the wrong word and you caught it Ken.
Of course if you believe that I have some land for sale.

I'm hoping for the brake and not the break. But I am a little nervous as to what is about to happen to
my car by putting the base plate on it. A break will not be good.

Take care.
Chuck, just by chance, have you checked if your Hybrid Lincoln can actually be towed? I am sure I read somewhere that very few if any hybrids can be towed 4 wheels down. I could be wrong but still important info to know.
CP said:
Sure the one and only time I have used the wrong word and you caught it Ken.
Of course if you believe that I have some land for sale.

I'm hoping for the brake and not the break. But I am a little nervous as to what is about to happen to
my car by putting the base plate on it. A break will not be good.

Take care.

A little play on words is a good way to break up the day. Is your land for sale swamp land in AZ or oceanfront in SD by chance? I've been looking for a good land deal.

I have a friend that is a copy editor and when she has a bad day we pat her on the shoulder and say there, their, they're. 

Hi all,

To my surprise my wife's Toyota Rav4 can not be towed but the 2011 Lincoln MKZ hybrid can.
I confirmed this with Ford and as "they" pointed out it is indicated so in the manual.
Looks like there is no limit to how long you can tow without the need to start the engine and you can go up to 75MPH (not in my plan to do so). I think starting the engine after a few hours is most likely a good thing to do in any case.

Ken - the land is full of palm trees on the very sunny and warm shores (year round) of lake Ontario.  Just don't pay any attention to the 12 feet of snow.

Thanks everyone!

No, the car does not need to be on to use its brakes.  When not running, it has no power assist, but the toad brake units either have sufficient power to apply the brakes without power assist, or (in a few designs) supply their own power boost to the toads brake system.

Federal vehicle safety standards require than the braking system be operative with the engine off. Even though the lack of power assist may make it seem like there are no brakes at all if you try to do it with your own foot & leg.

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