Broken Skylight

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Jun 14, 2005
Our 1996 32' bounder has developed cracks in the outer skylight over the tub/shower.  Replacement costs upwards of $150.  Is there any reason that the skylight needs to be domed?  Couldn't I simply replace it with a piece of 1/4" plexiglass, assuming it is properly and thoroughly sealed?  Any advice would be welcome.
The reason they are domed is to give extra height for tall people... if you are short & your head won't hit, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Resale value might suffer but on a 1996 it's not going to worth much anyway

There was I thinking they were domed to let the rain water run off  :( I learn something new here every day.
$150?!  Must be some kind of custom piece.  I've seen those skylight domes pretty cheap on eBay and even at some dealer parts stores.
The trick is to find a matching size and shape dome - there are a zillion of them. Here's one manufacturer, but I don't know if it would be any cheaper.

I can't see any reason why it has to be domed. The extra height and the water runoff factor are mostly an illusion, I think.  The dome height just makes a taller person feel less cramped and it's the seals around the edges that keep it dry inside. Mine pools water at the base of the dome anyway, where the caulk forms a dam. If the seal wasn't tight, water would leak inside despite the dome. This I know from experience. A flat piece of sturdy plastic ought to work fine.
Thanks to all who responded.  You pretty much confirmed what I thought.  I think I'll use a piece of 1/4" clear plexiglass, seal it well with the recommended stuff (ultraurethane?) and, if necessary, put a piece of 1/8" on the ceiling of the bath.

You guys rock!
You might want to consider Lexan. Its much stronger then plexy and some types are UV resistant.

>>The extra height and the water runoff factor are mostly an illusion, I think. <<

Not in my motorhome... I'm 6'2"  & my head would hit the ceiling if there wasn't a dome over it.
Your the first one I've heard say that, Terry.  Maybe your shower floor is raised more than most?  In most of them, a tall person would have his head quite close to the ceiling, but does not actually stick his head up into the skylight dome. The dome relives the claustrophobic feeling of the ceiling nearly brushing your hair, but is not actually needed to fit in.  Oh well, there is always an exception to the general rule...
pmscas said:
Our 1996 32' bounder has developed cracks in the outer skylight over the tub/shower. 

Depending on the size and quantity of cracks, a few strips of Eternabond tape will be your easiest fix.  I inadvertently leaned on mine and cracked it.  One strip of tape has prevented leaks for nearly a year.  I may never replace it......

Sure beats devising a fix for both the outside and the inside.

Lou (onaquest) said:
Depending on the size and quantity of cracks, a few strips of Eternabond tape will be your easiest fix.

Same thing I did with my skylight Lou.  ;)  I was removing it to reseal the seam and cracked the corner off.  Eternabond to the rescue!
I had the same problem in an Alfa Gold travel trailer 10 years ago.  Only thing I can add to the comments is make sure whatever plastic you use is UV resistant.  If not, you'll have discoloration and cracking within a year.

My ceilings are 78" not the 7' on the newer coaches, my ceiling pan is 5" off the floor so you can see the problem. My dome covers the entire shower so I have no worry about hitting my head on the ceiling.
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