buffing out scratches

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
Is it possible to buff out scratches on a full body paint job?

I tried some of this yesterday.  I had some degree of improvement, but if I look very closely I can still see the scratch along the top of the starboard side that my first encounter with a tree branch caused.  I do not like this one bit and I can't get west of the Ole Miss fast enough.

I am interested to hear how people deal with and/or prevent full body paint scratches.

There are two solutions I am NOT interested in hearing about.

1.  Never drive the coach
2.  Only drive the Interstate

Paint isn't as forgiving as gel coat or fiberglass when it comes to buffing out scratches. Don't rub too hard or too deep.
Smoky said:
I am interested to hear how people deal with and/or prevent full body paint scratches.


My advice would be to forget about the scratch.? Chalk it up as your first "boo boo"? There will be many more.? Cherish the stories that go with the scratch.? Point them out to all your friends as you will seem so much more real.? We are human... All of us? (and our rigs) have scratches.? Some are compulsive about rubbing and such but I would just? let it be the christening blow to your new rig.? Celebrate it with champagne.? The RV lifestyle has to be about not sweating the small stuff.? When you get another scratch , you can say oh well it isn't my first!


with lots of paint/ body work repair bills
That's pretty god advice Betty. We have a few scratches, each with their own story, and some we have no idea how they got there.

A friend who was speeding in his coach was followed by a CHP patrol car with blue lights flashing, and eventually came the dreaded voice from the hailer on the patrol carl "Pull over now!". When he stopped, the officer asked why he didn't pull over sooner. His response was "there were too many bushes back there and I would have scratched the side of my coach".

>>I am interested to hear how people deal with and/or prevent full body paint scratches.<<

You are going to have to learn to live with them, unless you learn to use a professional buffer & polisher, & This will only work on some scratches depending on the depth.

At Clark fork, ID
I can see it now:

"Motorhome crosses centerline causing head-on collision while driver swerves to avoid tree limb."  ;D
Smoky said:
No.  Booohooo.  I am still crying over this scratch.

Don't worry, Smoky, soon you will have another scratch to keep that one company.  ;D

Smoky said:
No.  Booohooo.  I am still crying over this scratch.

Smokey... I got my first dings quickly too... Did not cry, just wrote out a rather large check to the  body show when I went to pick it up

Biggest problem was www.switchboard.com (What has that to do with it) Well, I took the RV back to the dealer, a porter took it to the body shop so I'd neve been there, when I went to pick it up I visited www.switchboard.com to get the address.. it said "W. Michigan Ave" the body shop is on E. Michigan Ave, same number, wrong side of town, thankfully it's a small numberh

Last year everyone tells me how lovely their coaches look 5 years after instituting their no wax and no soap rinse down programs.

Now I find scratches will multiply and abound everywhere.


Looks like my new found retirement time will be used up buffing down scratches. ;D
Smoky said:
Looks like my new found retirement time will be used up buffing down scratches. ;D

At least that will help keep your toad milage down.  ;D

Smokey, a painted wooden electric gate, where we store our motorhome, abrubtly closed as I was driving past it. It put an ugly mark on the side of our coach. It wasn't deep, but it was ugly. My wife suggested the all purpose cleanser Quick n' Bright and while it took a couple of applications to do the job, it took 99% of the marks off the coach. A friend of our, bragging about his brand new HR Navigator, hadn't noticed a screatch that a tree limb had made on his coach until I pointed it out. I let him use the Quick n' Bright and it did the job for him, too.

It's not a gritty cleaner and must contain some chemistry that removes marks like I've described. You might try it.

Smoky, My almost 6 yr old coach is scratch and blemish free...and if youa re real nice to me, I'll give you the name of the body shop in Eugene Oregon that made it that way. ;-)
I always try my best to be nice on this forum and any body shop recommendations gratefully accepted.

Bob, where do you find Quick n Bright?? Is it a grocery store item?? I used some rubbing compound on my original scratch that generated this thread, but there are still some faint marks.? I'd like to try QnB and see if that causes further improvement.
Smokey, (I'm correcting the spelling) Quick 'n BRITE is a Lynwood, WA, company and they have a toll free number: (800)223-9187

My wife buys it at the fair, so it's one of those items you might not see at a supermarket. It's like soft butter when in the 2.5 quart container. I was dubious until I tried the darned stuff.

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