Building a battery compartment

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Aug 27, 2005
Hi All,
I have a 2000 Nash 24-5N 5th wheel that came with 2- 12 volt 24 group type batteries.  I really want to upgrade to golf cart batteries.  Unfortunately when they designed the 5th wheel's battery compartments they only made them big enough for the 24 group sized batteries.
My only option is  to try to find a place on the 5th wheel to make an extra compartment.  I think that it would be possible for me to construct a box in a storage compartment that is in the front next to the propane compartment.  I'd like to get opinions about doing this and if I need to worry about the proximity to the  propane bottles.  The propane compartment is sealed so I don't think there is an issue , the storage compartment that I would use for the battery is not sealed and has the landing gear running through it.  I guess my biggest concern would be the  motor for raising the landing gear and the fact that it could be sparking.
I guess if I wanted to pay the big bucks I could go for the sealed  batteries.
I'd appreciate any thoughts about doing this.
Get AGM batteries.  They're sealed so you can mount them anywhere, vented or not, and even upside down if necessary.  Although they cost more, they will give you a proportionally longer life so the overall cost is about the same as flooded cell batteries.  For best results, you will need a 3 stage charger if you don't already have one.
Go with AGMs, for the reasons Ned outlined.

Will size 27 12V batteries fit in your compartment? They are a little longer than 24's but the same height.  A pair of 27's will provide almost the same amp-hours as a pair of GCs.  If necessary, you might be able to cut away one wall enough to make room for the 27's and you would only have to fabricate some sort of retainer to keep them in place.
Ned said:
Get AGM batteries.? They're sealed so you can mount them anywhere, vented or not, and even upside down if necessary.? Although they cost more, they will give you a proportionally longer life so the overall cost is about the same as flooded cell batteries.? For best results, you will need a 3 stage charger if you don't already have one.
Ned by 3 stage charger are you referring to something like the Wizard chip on the converter or just a batterycharger for charging the batteries at home.
RV Roamer said:
Go with AGMs, for the reasons Ned outlined.

Will size 27 12V batteries fit in your compartment? They are a little longer than 24's but the same height.? A pair of 27's will provide almost the same amp-hours as a pair of GCs.? If necessary, you might be able to cut away one wall enough to make room for the 27's and you would only have to fabricate some sort of retainer to keep them in place.
Unfortunately Roamer the 27's are too big that was going to be my next move seeing as I couldn't get the golf cart batteries to fit.  There is just no way I can make the battery compartment big enough, I think my next best move is to buy one regular flooded type golf cart and get rid of the dividing shelf in the battery compartment so there will be enough height.  The other battery would have to be an AGM type so I can put in another storage compartment about 6 ft. away and not have to worry about excessive gassing.
I plan on getting the same capacity the 220 AH for both batteries.  Would there be any reason why that configuration wouldn't work that you can think of.
A 3 stage charger works begins by charging at a high, constant current until the voltage rises to a preset value, then charges in a constant voltage mode until the charging current falls off to a preset value, then goes to the 3rd stage, basically a trickle charge.  Such a charger will charge the batteries quicker than the typical constant voltage charger.
daleslad said:
I think my next best move is to buy one regular flooded type golf cart and get rid of the dividing shelf in the battery compartment so there will be enough height. The other battery would have to be an AGM type

Stop! The golf cart battery will be 6 volts whereas the AGM is likely to be 12 volts. Don't connect them together. Also, even if they were both 6 volt batteries, it's not good to connect different battery types together.
Stop! The golf cart battery will be 6 volts whereas the AGM is likely to be 12 volts. Don't connect them together. Also, even if they were both 6 volt batteries, it's not good to connect different battery types together.

AGM batteries come in 6 volts too.  The big problem is mixing types of batteries.  either AGM OR flooded cell but not some of each.  Just asking for problems starting with proper charging.
Under no circumstances connect dissimilar batteries in the same bank.  In fact, it's best to keep all batteries in a bank identical and the same age.

AGM batteries are available in both 6V and 12V sizes and are dimensioned to replace the common flooded cell batteries.
Ron said:
AGM batteries come in 6 volts too.

Understood Ron, which is why I didn't say it will be 12V. It wasn't clear to me that the plan was to buy/install a 6V AGM, so I raised a flag. If I got it wrong, nothing would be lost.
Ned said:
A 3 stage charger works begins by charging at a high, constant current until the voltage rises to a preset value, then charges in a constant voltage mode until the charging current falls off to a preset value, then goes to the 3rd stage, basically a trickle charge.? Such a charger will charge the batteries quicker than the typical constant voltage charger.

Well I've solved my battery problem I was able to find 2- 6volt Gell batteries that will fit but only barely into my battery compartments
I found out that Progressive Dynamics, Inc. makes a Charge Wizard just for Gell batteries so I've exchanged that with the one I'd been using for my old flooded type batteries.  Can't wait to go dry camping and put these new batteries to  the test.

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