Bye Bye 8-Track Hole ... ?

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2017
I'm finally getting a new stereo system setup for the dashboard ;D . The dashboard which has a gaping hole in it due to the former owner removing what was either an 8-track player or massive radio. ... This old machine can take a modern stereo with all the bells & whistles right  ??? ?
I have seen adapters for tall openings that have a storage pocket below the slimmer replacement radio.
Get the right color and it looks factory.
Reminds me of my other half putting on a VHS video for one of our grandsons on our boat. He had never seen a VHS tape before, and wanted to know what it was!
Tom said:
Reminds me of my other half putting on a VHS video for one of our grandsons on our boat. He had never seen a VHS tape before, and wanted to know what it was!

If you want to see something funny show and then play a CED for a kid. Back in the 00's I got my original player repaired and insisted it tested in the shop. The repairman's grand kid stared at it not knowing what to make of it.

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