Bye bye Moab

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Jan 13, 2005
All good things must come to an end, and for us today was the day we regrettably departed Moab a couple of days earlier than planned. Apologies to those we didn't get to see before we left. We walked the campground and knocked gently on doors, but some folks were apparently enjoying extra time in bed.

We renewed old friendships and met folks we hadn't met before, including some new Framily members. What a great group of folks to be with.

Like all events, it's the participants who make any event, and this was certainly a participative group. There are so many things to do in and around Moab, and the group took advantage of many of the opportunities. A great job by our Calendar Girl (aka Betty) and all trip leaders. Campground social events were also lots of fun, and again there was no shortage of participants.

We'll miss a couple of events - the trip to Hovenweep led by Mike, the headlight aiming competition, and the last supper.

Thanks to all for the friendships and the fun.

Tom & Chris (en route to  CA viia Salt Lake city)
We hatred to see you go Tom & Chris but as you said all good things must come to an end.  Fortunatley for us we still have a couple days left before we depart.

Hmmmm,  you better turn around and come back for the headlight aiming event.  Wasn't that set up for you ;D ;D

Sam & I wish you and Chris a safe enjoyable drive home.

Thanks Ron. Hope you and Sam have a safe triip back to Montana via your planned stops.

Just passing SLC. Looks like Chris wants a long day today. Next CG I know of is in Elko, NV.
Tom said:
Thanks Ron. Hope you and Sam have a safe triip back to Montana via your planned stops.

Just passing SLC. Looks like Chris wants a long day today. Next CG I know of is in Elko, NV.
Thanks Tom.

You can do as I do, just put your feet up and relax untill your driver tells you to start looking for the campground. ;D ;D
Hi Tom & Chris,

Really hated to see you leave. Several of us took a hike along Park Avenue in The Arches today. Then Pat & I hiked to Corona and Bowtie Arches off Potash road. What a neat hike and great arch. Corona has an opening of 140 X 105 feet.  Attached are photos of Corona and Bowtie.



  • Corona Arch (Medium).JPG
    Corona Arch (Medium).JPG
    77.1 KB · Views: 34
  • Bowtie Arch.JPG
    Bowtie Arch.JPG
    54.7 KB · Views: 32
Hi Jim,

I sure hope someone is able to use my site for the next 3 nights (it's paid for through Tues night). Portal has a written policy about early leavers without prior notice, and I have no issue with that. We really only lost two nights because Tues was the freebie.

Neat photos. Have you filled up the external HD yet?  :)

Haven't filled up the external drive yet but it won't be long if I keep taking pictures this way. ;D

Jim Dick said:
Hi Tom & Chris,

Really hated to see you leave. Several of us took a hike along Park Avenue in The Arches today. Then Pat & I hiked to Corona and Bowtie Arches off Potash road. What a neat hike and great arch. Corona has an opening of 140 X 105 feet.? Attached are photos of Corona and Bowtie.

    Great shots of Corona and Bow tie.  Sure wish we were there enjoying them.

Hi Ron,

Thanks!! We, too , wish you were here but are happy to hear you are doing so well. The arches will still be here when you come back. ;D We did the Delicate Arch today and, though it was extremely nice, I don't think it is as nice as Corona. I really need to come here for at least a month so we can see more of what is available.

Today I was allowed to get some behind-the-wheel hours. We drove through a couple of thinderstorms, which had been forecast, then we had clearing skies. But the winds were pretty bad, also as had been forecast. Tractor trailers were fishtailing all over the place, and we weren't doing a lot better. We considered driving past our planned stopping place (Reno), but the high winds made up our minds for us.

When we pulled into the parking lot at Boomtown to unhook the toad, another RVer approached me and asked which direction I'd come from. He explained that the winds over Donner Pass (the direction we're headed) had been extreme and they'd had snow. He told me they'd lifted the chain requirements just an hour earlier, but he wasn't about to drive his 37 foot coach over the mountain in those winds. We were glad we'd decided to stop for the night.

The high here today was 40 and the low tonight is supposed to be 29. Brrrr. I hope the road is clear tomorrow, but I'll be listening to the weather guys before we leave.
I think the steering stabilizer helped quite a bit, and I told chris we'd have had a tough time without it. But those winds were high, and the gusts were vicious, so the stabilizer was really inadequate. Add to that the fact that some sections of the freeway are quite narrow and curvy, so it was a white knuckle job passing the fishtailing big rigs. Having Chris in the passenger seat as I passed them didn't help  :) I finally decided it wasn't safe to drive any further, and was glad to reach Boomtown. Hope we're not stuck here for a few days though.

Glad you decided to stop for the night at least. There's no need to tempt fate!!! There sure is a different view from "the other seat"!!! ;D

It was snowing pretty good this morning when we hooked up the toad, left Boomtown (west of Reno), and headed over Donner Pass on I-80. I repeatedly tried various weather sources before we left, but couldn't be sure what to expect. It snowed on and off for quite a way, but the roads were clear. The high winds had also subsided, so it wasn't the white knuckle drive we had yesterday. We're currently north of Sacramento and enoying a little sunshine on the final leg of our journey home.
Hi Tom & Chris,

We had a good time in Moab and plan to be back next year. It was such a nice fun group.
We pulled out of Portal RV yeasterday after 8.00 am. Filled up at Flying J in Richfield and had planned to stay overnight in Vegas. When we got there it was still to early to stop and went on and had a buffet at Whisky Pete's in Primm. We then had decided to stay overnight in Bartsow  (Dagget) .missed the turn of and on we went on. At 8.30 local time we pulled in at the Orange Grove campground in Barstow. (719 miles) we had heavy, heavy heavy front winds all the way and our MPG was 6.1. I never slepped so well as that night.
This morning we only had a trip of 250 miles to home. Left Bakersfield at 8.45 , had lunch at the Harris ranch, bought some steaks and pulled in our drive way at 2.00 o'clock. Wheater again dry but tremendous front end winds, as yesterday MPG 6.1.
Next year take the southern road.

Mimy & Chris
Hi Chris & Mimi,

You left so early we didn't get a chance to say goodbye. We enjoyed seeing you again and hope we will meet again someday soon.


>>At 8.30 local time we pulled in at the Orange Grove campground in Barstow. (719 miles)<<

My kind of driving day. Sheila doesn't let me do it too often.BG

Hi Chris & Mimi

I was beginning to wish we'd taken the southern route when we had the high cross winds yesterday. But I think it was a good move to stay overnight in Boomtown. Glad you arrived home safely.

Did you hear about the heavy hail storm they had in the SC valley? They kept showing it on the SFO channels last night. I don't recall seeing that stuff in the valley.

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