CA home prices still increasing?

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They're not illegal if they apply for asylum and an immigration hearing at the border. If they do they're scheduled for a hearing and are released. Between the application and the hearing they apply for a work permit, when that is issued they're free to work and live anywhere they choose. Those people being bused are each and everone of them here legally. No one applying for asylum can be denied a hearing unless they're determined to be wanted in their home country., ie, a fugitive from justice or have a criminal record.
You can't possibly believe that the majority of these people are 'asylum worthy'.
If they come here illegally, they're riff-raff. The ones doing it legally will get my handshake.

So if their families are being murdered and children being tortured back at home, you think they should stay there, keep waiting on hold for their asylum application to be processed?
Maybe they aren’t here illegally:
1)In general
Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.
Again, you can't believe these people are all seeking 'asylum'. That's just a catch-all word word for, "We want some free stuff, and the US will provide it."
So if their families are being murdered and children being tortured back at home, you think they should stay there, keep waiting on hold for their asylum application to be processed?
No, but that is not happening to the vast majority of people streaming towards the border. If it were, it would be on the news every single night because the media never lets a good crisis go to waste if it fits their agenda.
No, but that is not happening to the vast majority of people streaming towards the border. If it were, it would be on the news every single night because the media never lets a good crisis go to waste if it fits their agenda.

And what "free" stuff are all these immigrants getting? I'm just curious, because I might want to pretend to be one if it's better than life riding around in a Newmar.
And what "free" stuff are all these immigrants getting? I'm just curious, because I might want to pretend to be one if it's better than life riding around in a Newmar.
In a lot of the big cities. Free housing in apartment buildings that have been refurbished at taxpayer expense; SNAP benefits, etc. Not better than (or as good as) you have it, but better than where they came from. Most of this 'free stuff' is from the cities and states, federal freebies are harder to get for non-citizens.
And what "free" stuff are all these immigrants getting? I'm just curious, because I might want to pretend to be one if it's better than life riding around in a Newmar.
That type ignorance was on full display too back in the 70's in S. Texas when the Vietnamese settled on the Gulf Coast. They bought shrimp boats and were outfishing the good old boys, so their response was to attempt to harass them into leaving. Only problem for bubba was these people grew up in a real war zone, an ignorant redneck with his cowboy boots on the wrong feet certainly wasn't going to scare them. Now if you go down to Palacios or Aransas Pass you'll find that through hardwork and perserverence most of the processing plants and fish houses are owned by the children of those immigrants. Moral of that story being you can sit on your ass and whine or get off your ass and work, the Vietnamese chose the latter.
In a lot of the big cities. Free housing in apartment buildings that have been refurbished at taxpayer expense; SNAP benefits, etc. Not better than (or as good as) you have it, but better than where they came from. Most of this 'free stuff' is from the cities and states, federal freebies are harder to get for non-citizens.
The overwhelming majority of the occupants of those facilities were born and bred right here.
You can't possibly believe that the majority of these people are 'asylum worthy'.
I have no idea and that's why there are immigration courts that hold hearings to determine if the asylum claim is legitimate under US law (which doesn't necessarily mean easy to qualify for). Most of the "catch & release" problem is the lack of timely court hearings, since under the current law an alien can stay in the US until their hearing determines their status. In other words, they are legally here until that time, even though they aren't residents or have green cards. Congress could make the whole issue go away by funding & staffing adequate Immigration courts to get more timely processing, or by requiring asylum seekers to remain in detention until their hearing (the latter is really expensive if taxpayers have to foot the bill for "humanitarian" facilities).
In a lot of the big cities. Free housing in apartment buildings that have been refurbished at taxpayer expense; SNAP benefits, etc. Not better than (or as good as) you have it, but better than where they came from. Most of this 'free stuff' is from the cities and states, federal freebies are harder to get for non-citizens.

I find that interesting. When was SNAP eligibility expanded to undocumented "illegal" immigrants? HUD Low income programs?
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I have no idea and that's why there are immigration courts that hold hearings to determine if the asylum claim is legitimate under US law (which doesn't necessarily mean easy to qualify for). Most of the "catch & release" problem is the lack of timely court hearings, since under the current law an alien can stay in the US until their hearing determines their status. In other words, they are legally here until that time, even though they aren't residents or have green cards. Congress could make the whole issue go away by funding & staffing adequate Immigration courts to get more timely processing, or by requiring asylum seekers to remain in detention until their hearing (the latter is really expensive if taxpayers have to foot the bill for "humanitarian" facilities).
That would have happened but the recent immigration reform effort was scuttled in order to keep it as a campaign issue. Otherwise congress has no say so in requiring detention before immigration hearings, the Federal Courts have already ruled minor children cannot be held in dentention. Keeping kids in cages and/or separating families isn't what civilized societies practice. At least we don't yet.
As Hannah Arendt wrote in the early 60's of her concept termed the " banality of evil", she was referring to the argument that the SS Guards running the camps were otherwise just the kid next door. Eichmann was just a regular guy. If you pretend they were aberrations then you don't have to fear it could happen here. Her point was that if you demonize a group enough that you make them subhuman, taking the next step isn't that much of a leap. That begins with calling them rapists and murderers, " poisoning the blood of our nation", riff-raff, taking free stuff, living at taxpayer expense, taking our jobs,......
The overwhelming majority of the occupants of those facilities were born and bred right here.
I know - to a large population of illegals.

I find that interesting. When was SNAP eligibility expanded to undocumented "illegal" immigrants? HUD Low income programs?
When it was determined that the large population of illegals had to feed their overwhelming majority of occupants born and bred right here.
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That would have happened but the recent immigration reform effort was scuttled in order to keep it as a campaign issue. Otherwise congress has no say so in requiring detention before immigration hearings, the Federal Courts have already ruled minor children cannot be held in dentention. Keeping kids in cages and/or separating families isn't what civilized societies practice. At least we don't yet.
As Hannah Arendt wrote in the early 60's of her concept termed the " banality of evil", she was referring to the argument that the SS Guards running the camps were otherwise just the kid next door. Eichmann was just a regular guy. If you pretend they were aberrations then you don't have to fear it could happen here. Her point was that if you demonize a group enough that you make them subhuman, taking the next step isn't that much of a leap. That begins with calling them rapists and murderers, " poisoning the blood of our nation", riff-raff, taking free stuff, living at taxpayer expense, taking our jobs,......
I call dibs on the "riff-raff" and "free stuff" quotes. I never uttered the other terms.
I know - to a large population on illegals.

When it was determined that the large population of illegals had to feed their overwhelming majority of occupants born and bred right here.
Those again are opinions, not facts. However nonetheless, doesn't matter who a child is born to in this country, they're no less a US citizen than you. They're not riff-raff.
BTW, the overwhelming majority of SNAP goes to provide meals for children who would otherwise go hungry. How many meals has providing breakfast for children caused you to miss or otherwise affected your way of life?
Those seeking asylum are not eligible for SNAP. Maybe WIC. Those that seek asylum are eligible to work which mean they pay taxes and they pay taxes on goods and services. So they contribute to whatever benefits they are receiving. Those that cross the border “illegally” receive no benefits.
You're right, WIC benefits are provided so kids won't go hungry and immigration status is not considered. Those here illegally aren't elgible for obvious reasons.
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