CA home prices still increasing?

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I mentioned nothing about rounding them up. Only why I believe the numbers are not what is claimed.

Since the vast majority of what any of us say on here is basically an opinion, I'm pretty sure that none of us need to end out post with 'IMO' or precede it with 'I believe' all the time.
Personally I'd like to see some of the statements in this thread qualified with an IMO or I believe since there is no way they can be verified.
Those seeking asylum are not eligible for SNAP. Maybe WIC. Those that seek asylum are eligible to work which mean they pay taxes and they pay taxes on goods and services. So they contribute to whatever benefits they are receiving. Those that cross the border “illegally” receive no benefits.
No, but their kids are/do.
Those again are opinions, not facts. However nonetheless, doesn't matter who a child is born to in this country, they're no less a US citizen than you. They're not riff-raff.
BTW, the overwhelming majority of SNAP goes to provide meals for children who would otherwise go hungry. How many meals has providing breakfast for children caused you to miss or otherwise affected your way of life?
The children of the illegals do qualify for SNAP benefits, even if their parents brought them across the border illegally. So, who do you think actually collects those benefits? I guarantee they aren't being deposited into the kid's bank accounts. And it's not the children who are the riff-raff, it's those who put them in that position.
Personally I'd like to see some of the statements in this thread qualified with an IMO or I believe since there is no way they can be verified.
Unless someone makes a post and provides provenance along with it, everything is an opinion.
No, but their kids are/do.
SNAP is a federal benefit so those awaiting an asylum hearing are not eligible for SNAP. WIC is a state benefit so they are eligible to apply for that. Those awaiting a hearing get a work permit. Once the find work they pay federal and local taxes. Those that cross the border illegally (asking for asylum is not illegal; check the Constitution) are not afforded any benefits. Unless an asylum seeker breaks the law they cannot be deported.
Anchor babies, those born in the U.S. to noncitizens, are deemed American citizens according to the Constitution. They cannot be deported.
People are leaving CA in large numbers, so why are the house price tags still breaking records?

"For the first time in California history, the average price for a home is above $900,000. "

See here.

-Don- Reno, NV
As someone who lived in LA for 20+ years before finally hitting the road full-time, I can tell you that the CA home price is artificial. The rules and regulations keep the inventory artificially low. I like to think of CA home price as meme stock like GameStop. GameStop is basically a bankrupt company but yet stock price has surged so much so that big hedge funds have lost $billions shorting the stock. Why?--because the supply is artificially limited. Watch this video on this phenomena:
The children of the illegals do qualify for SNAP benefits, even if their parents brought them across the border illegally. So, who do you think actually collects those benefits? I guarantee they aren't being deposited into the kid's bank accounts. And it's not the children who are the riff-raff, it's those who put them in that position.
You guarantee, how would you know or do you just have a feeling?
And if opinions are worth nothing how many of them does it take to add up to more than nothing?
The children of the illegals do qualify for SNAP benefits, even if their parents brought them across the border illegally. So, who do you think actually collects those benefits? I guarantee they aren't being deposited into the kid's bank accounts. And it's not the children who are the riff-raff, it's those who put them in that position.
Why don't you explain to us all how a parent ( your riff-raff) who is here illegally goes about obtaining benefits for their children without identifying themselves as being here illegally and risking deportation........not your opinion, btw. This should be good, I'll wait.
Why don't you explain to us all how a parent ( your riff-raff) who is here illegally goes about obtaining benefits for their children without identifying themselves as being here illegally and risking deportation........not your opinion, btw. This should be good, I'll wait.
Risking Deportation--with the current administration, there is no deportation. Also, illegals are now able to apply for ID. Further, go to NYC / Chicago to see the benefits illegals get
Risking Deportation--with the current administration, there is no deportation. Also, illegals are now able to apply for ID. Further, go to NYC / Chicago to see the benefits illegals get
I'd suggest you try google before posting bull****. The Biden Administration has, for obvious reasons, deported more people in three years than the previous administration in four. An illegal with walking around sense is going to apply for an ID about the same time a dude in a ski mask holding a sawed off shotgun is going to ask a cop for directions to the nearest bank. Illegals, btw., aren't elgible for any benefits, perhaps you should school yourself on the distinction between someone here awaiting an immigration hearing and someone here illegally.
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As someone who lived in LA for 20+ years before finally hitting the road full-time, I can tell you that the CA home price is artificial. The rules and regulations keep the inventory artificially low. I like to think of CA home price as meme stock like GameStop. GameStop is basically a bankrupt company but yet stock price has surged so much so that big hedge funds have lost $billions shorting the stock. Why?--because the supply is artificially limited. Watch this video on this phenomena:
What the hell does a kid in Jr. High School explaining short selling on YT have to do with California home prices.
I'd suggest you try google before posting bull****. The Biden Administration has, for obvious reasons, deported more people in three years than the previous administration in four. An illegal with walking around sense is going to apply for an ID about the same time a dude in a ski mask holding a sawed off shotgun is going to ask a cop for directions to the nearest bank.
lol, I do not trust MSM / Bigtech to report ANYTHING accurately. I have completely stopped getting news from MSM. Catch and release sound familiar to you?
Risking Deportation--with the current administration, there is no deportation. Also, illegals are now able to apply for ID. Further, go to NYC / Chicago to see the benefits illegals get
Did you type this with a straight face? How do you folks come up with this stuff? Look up immigration law. Look up immigration according to the Constitution. Educate yourself.
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