Calendar Creator

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2008
Glendale, AZ
Hopefully I am not asking the question off-topic, but when asking in a few Windows or software forums, I receive a lot of geek-speak about virtual machines and DOS boxes that doesn't answer my question.

I have been using Calendar Creator (Ver 1.0) by Broderbund since I don't know when, but it won't run on my new desktop with Windows-7 (64-bit). Is anyone familiar with this program? It made nice little calendars that had an "@count" function that added a year to whatever event I put in.  For example, for birthdays and anniversaries it would automatically add a year on the following year's calendar. I tried CC versions 7.0 and 9.0, but the terminology has changed and I am lost. For example in the old version, I could open several Event Lists and all would appear on the calendar, whereas on Versions 9.0, I can't seem to have but only one event list on a calendar.

Would appreciate any "instruction" from users of Ver 7.0 or Ver 9.0 before I order the current Version 12 - or just operate from my laptop where Version 1 lives and operates fine!  <G>

RedT said:
Hopefully I am not asking the question off-topic, but when asking in a few Windows or software forums, I receive a lot of geek-speak about virtual machines and DOS boxes that doesn't answer my question.

I have been using Calendar Creator (Ver 1.0) by Broderbund since I don't know when, but it won't run on my new desktop with Windows-7 (64-bit).
This too might not give you the answer you're really looking for, but it sure works well, IMO.

Right now, I am running Windows 7 64 bit and XP on the same computer at the same time. I use two monitors and I have XP on one monitor and Win7 64 bit on the other.  On the XP screen, I even run programs that were designed for Windows 3.0.

I use Oracle VM VitualBox from Win 7 64 bit. I load Windows XP into the VitualBox to run my many 16 bit programs that will not run at all on Win 7 64 bit.

It's a free program.  It does NOT require two monitors.

You can copy and paste between them after you load in "Install Guest Additions" just one time after it's installed. You can easily  "trade" your USB and DVD drives from Win7 to XP as needed.

Note: I tried to run Win 7 32 bit in the VirtualBox from Win 7 64 bit.  It was very flaky compared to XP which works perfectly in every way inside of the VirtualBox.

Right now, I have a program running in my VB that requires (below is a copy and paste from Correct Quotes, version One, dated 1992 running in XP on this Win7 64 bit machine.):

System Requirements:
286 PC or above with minimum 2 Mb RAM
EGA or VGA graphics card
Mouse or other pointing device
DOS 3.1 and Windows 3.0 or later
-Don-  Reno, NV
Had the same problem. I changed to VueMinder Lite, freeware downloaded from CNet. Gets the job done for me.
Thank you very much, Don & Jerry! I had the issue with 3 applications, and was able to do workarounds on two. I think I'll just run my Calendar Creator program on my trusty laptop running Windows XP.
RedT said:
Thank you very much, Don & Jerry! I had the issue with 3 applications, and was able to do workarounds on two. I think I'll just run my Calendar Creator program on my trusty laptop running Windows XP.
I am curious why you're resistant to running the Virtual Box and installing XP in it or whatever. Then you will never have the problem again of running old programs from Win7 64 bit.

If you don't have an old operating system CD, such as XP, or Win98, that will be a problem, otherwise I can't think of a reason not to try it.

-Don- Reno, NV
DonTom said:
I am curious why you're resistant to running the Virtual Box and installing XP in it or whatever. Then you will never have the problem again of running old programs from Win7 64 bit.

If you don't have an old operating system CD, such as XP, or Win98, that will be a problem, otherwise I can't think of a reason not to try it.
-Don- Reno, NV
I'm curious, too as to why you haven't considered Calendar Creator 9 for $3.49 that I suggested in another thread.  It's a 32 bit application that should run okay on Win 7 64 bit.  Not a lot of loss for trying, that I can see.
I'm curious, too as to why you haven't considered Calendar Creator 9 for $3.49 that I suggested in another thread.  It's a 32 bit application that should run okay on Win 7 64 bit.  Not a lot of loss for trying, that I can see.

I did, Tom......problem is I can't figure it out! Call me dumb, but with the Ver 1 program, I have three Categories: Family Holidays, Travels, and Holidays. To print a calendar, I can select which category (or all) I want to include on the calendar. With version 9, I can only get one category at a time on the calendar. Also, the font size used to label some of the functions appears to be too small to read.

I have also tried the VueMinder application mentioned by Jerry, and it has possibilities, but I do prefer Calendar Creator. I would buy the upgrade version 12 if I could figure out how to use the blasted thing!

As I stated in my original post: Would appreciate any "instruction" from users of Ver 7.0 or Ver 9.0 before I order the current Version 12 - or just operate from my laptop where Version 1 lives and operates fine!  <G>
Edit: Fixed quote.
I don't know anything about the software you are using but I thought I would share my calendar with you. I use an online calendar maker:

Every month I stop in and make a calendar for the next month and print it out for free. I see they offer log in so I would assume there is a custom calendar available and the ability to save dates, but I don't know since the basic calendar works so good for me. I print it out and hang it on my refer. And the best part is there is no software to cost money or worry about and the whole thing is free.
RedT said:
I did, Tom......problem is I can't figure it out!
You don't need to. You have me and many others here who can help you with it. I would say installing Oracle VirtualBox was the most important thing I ever done to this Win 64 bit machine.

Do you have a XP installation disk? Win 98? Win ME? Or anything else on CD that will run the programs you wish to run?

If you do, I will give you directions step by step to install such in the  Virtual Box. And then I will show you how to use it. It's really not all that difficult, but can be time consuming in some cases. As with my old XP CD, I had to install two Service Packs. Not hard, but takes time. It took hours! But worth every second of it.

If your installation CD already has the service packs it will be MUCH faster.

-Don- SSF, CA
Thanks for the info and offer for help, Don. I downloaded VmVirtual box, installed same as far as when it asked for the WinXP install disk. My Win XP disk is an upgrade - Virtual box would not accept it. (I guess the program is looking for the kernel?)  I'm thinking that when I upgraded from Windows 98 to XP, that's what I used?

So, my laptop came with WinXP installed, my new desktop with Win 7 installed - no installation disks! At the moment I am asking friends to search their closets for either a Win-98 or Win-XP install disk.

I agree with you that the VMVirtual Box is the way to go, in the meantime, I will run my scanner, Calendar Creator and Info Select from my laptop.
RedT said:
Thanks for the info and offer for help, Don. I downloaded VmVirtual box, installed same as far as when it asked for the WinXP install disk. My Win XP disk is an upgrade - Virtual box would not accept it. (I guess the program is looking for the kernel?)  I'm thinking that when I upgraded from Windows 98 to XP, that's what I used?

So, my laptop came with WinXP installed, my new desktop with Win 7 installed - no installation disks! At the moment I am asking friends to search their closets for either a Win-98 or Win-XP install disk.

I agree with you that the VMVirtual Box is the way to go, in the meantime, I will run my scanner, Calendar Creator and Info Select from my laptop.
Sounds like the only problem is getting a full version of XP or whatever. You will find it's very simple to use the VB, but I will be here to help you get started after you get the VB operating  system installed. There are a few things  that will be helpful to know the first time it is used.

-Don-  SSF, CA

Look at this Google search for Windows XP CDs.  Just be sure you're buying a legitimate copy and not a pirated one, it will need to be activated once installed.
I too faced this issue while creating a family calendar. I don?t know where to start but thankfully Calendar Creator Software helped me to create a beautiful family calendar. I am very satisfied with this tool but if someone got any other tool, which can help me to create the Calendar of 2016, then I will be very thankful.
Have you tried Google Calendar?  It is free and not too difficult to use if you are familiar with calendar programs.
azwinne said:
Have you tried Google Calendar?  It is free and not too difficult to use if you are familiar with calendar programs.

I was wondering the same thing.  Google Calendar has lots of features and is easy to use.

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