California Emissions Violation

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
La Mesa RV of San Diego and Forest River RV Inc of Indiana r have agreed to pay $345,000 for selling motor homes to California residents that did not meet the state's emissions standards.

Forest River Inc.  paid $333,000,  La Mesa RV of San Diego, paid $12,000 as settlements for their violations.

They claim Forest River Inc. sold or assisted in the sale of 40 motor homes in California that were not certified as meeting the state's emission regulations.

Are visitors to California subject to these regulations if their motorhomes were bought elsewhere?  Can a motorhome bought outside California be sold used to a California resident?
I can't specifically address motor homes, but when we brought an out of state Toyota to CA in 1995, as it wasn't built to the CA emission standards, we paid a "smog tax" of about $300 in order to license it in CA.  It was all right to generate smog as long as you paid the state for the privilege ;)
Are visitors to California subject to these regulations if their motorhomes were bought elsewhere?  Can a motorhome bought outside California be sold used to a California resident

Visitors to California are not required to register their vehicles in California as long as they are currently registered in their home state or country.    If the visitor moves to California or becomes employed in CA that is another matter, the person is no longer a visitor.    Californians cannot buy a vehicle not emmissions-approved for use in Californina (a 49-state vehicle) and bring back to California.  A person from another state moving to California can register a 49-state vehicle in CA if it has been registered in the former state, but it must pass a CA smog check.

Selling an out of state vehicle in CA?  Here is what the DMV says:

California residents are prohibited from importing, purchasing, or leasing a new vehicle from another state, unless the vehicle was manufactured for sale in California and the Environmental Protection Agency label certifies the vehicle has California smog equipment. California considers a new vehicle to be any vehicle with less than 7,500 miles on the odometer at the time it is purchased or acquired.

BTW, deisel is exempted from smog checks.

If that clears things up, you have misunderstood the mess.  ;D

Then CA no longer offers even the "smog bribe" if you move there with a non-conforming vehicle?  You have to sell your car out of CA and buy another, conforming one?
Ned said:

Then CA no longer offers even the "smog bribe" if you move there with a non-conforming vehicle?? You have to sell your car out of CA and buy another, conforming one?

I don't think so.? What I did say was, "A person from another state moving to California can register a 49-state vehicle in CA if it has been registered in the former state, but it must pass a CA smog check."? ?I did not touch on fees.

Look, be smart,? do not trust what I say.? Go to the California DMV website and wade thru the stuff yourself.? ?All my vehicles have been bought in CA for the past 45 years.? ?I am no expert on importing vehicles to CA.

We don't plan on moving back to CA so it's moot for us.  I was just stating what we had to do in 1997.

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