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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
I often wonder why Walmart is ridiculed so much.? They are friendly to RVers, have plenty of important supplies, are strategically located off the interstates, are perfect for ducking into for emergencies or grabbing some shuteye when on a long transit.? I decided a long time ago to stick up for them and not be intimidated by anti-WalMart bullies.
Karl said:
Somewhere, somehow, sometime, you're going to pay for that one! ;D

It means I have to visit all 48 states, AGAIN :)
Thanks Tom, exactly the kind of tips I have been looking for.

I have one of those car chargers you hook directly to the battery, and charge on AC voltage.  I bought it originally at West Marine for the boat and used with my van when trailering.  I might keep it in case I get into trouble with the new environment.

I know a lot of people here look down on WalMarts.  I have to admit my wife and I love Wamarts.  Not a case of trying to beat the campgrounds.  We love WM for two reasons. 

First, some of the nicest friends we have made were when we met other RVers staying overnight at a WM. 

Before I began RVing I thought WM was a trashy place and only trashy people shopped there.  Seriously.

After a few weeks of RVing I learned differently, and fell in love with WMs.  By now you might even call me a WM loyalist.

Almost everyone we have met as WM overnighters are very serious RVers on long haul trips across the country.  Very seldom have i ever met one of those infamous people you hear about that abuses WM, sets up a complete camp, and never stays anywhere else.

Campgrounds tend to have more of the weekenders.  Nothing wrong with weekeders (I guess tehnically I am still one) , but we especially love talking with fulltimers and longhaulers and hearing the tales they have to tell.  it is a big draw for us and I seldom hear people refer to this aspect when they ridicule people who stay overnight at a WM.

Second reason is hat tthe WMs are strategically located along the interstates.  Everything you might ever need is near them, and often within walking distance.  If you are on a 30  day trip to Montana like we will be soon, it helps to intersperse the campground stops with WM stops, Especially when you are 400 miles plus to the next place you really want to visit.  Why camp at an unkown place and then run the toad to WM, when you can just go to the WM and not unhook?

Yes we could drive longer and find a paid campground.  But we LIKE WMs and we always know what we are getting.  WMs are predictable and convenient. There are many campgrounds we hate, but we do not know that until we get stuck in one.

We would much rather spend three nights in three successive WMs on a long leg and then get to a campground we like and stay at that campground for a few extra days.

We can pull in around 3pm, get some dinner and supplies, early to bed, and be on the road again before dawn without hooking or unhooking.  Or even use the saved hookup time to get an extra hour of sleep or to take time out for breakfast.

When i went through Nebraska and Wyoming I stayed 3 nights in a row at WMs.  Keep in mind I am a 55mph driver who likes to stop at 3pm.  So my driving strategy is quite different than the 70 MPH guy who can go for 10 or 12 hours at a stretch.  The more I interact on this forum, the more I believe we are different ducks than most folk here.  That excites me for I love meeting people with different views and different ways of doing things.  I never feel the urge to convert people to MY way of thinking.  This sure would be a boring forum if we all had to do things the same way.  :D

Well I digressed. 

The reason I talked about to making WM stops is because it reflects our style (I am predicting because we have not done it yet), of not unhooking the toad unless we are going to be somewhere for more than a night or two.  If this is our style, then I do worry about battery drain, now that I know how these inside the sedan brake machines work.

Your tips make sense and that is the kind of info I am after.
Smoky said:
...exactly the kind of tips I have been looking for.

Glad the info helped Smoky. Just remember that I've never owned a BrakeBuddy, although I borrowed one briefly from a neighbor, so my data on that product is predominantly anecdotal.

I know a lot of people here look down on WalMarts .......  when they ridicule people who stay overnight at a WM.

I've been on this forum, both here and the prior venue, for quite a few years. I've yet to read about anyone looking down on WalMart or ridiculing anyone who stays there. In fact, I know a number of our forum members use them overnight on the very kind of long-haul journies that you described. Are you sure you didn't read it elsewhere and extrapolated it to this forum?

Personally, we don't stay at WalMart, and it has nothing to do with being snobby or looking down on anyone. We're usually a caravan of one, and we prefer to pay a few $$ and stay in a campground rather than a WM or a rest area. It's probably all in the mind, but we sleep a little better in a CG. Hopefully you don't misinterpret this as looking down on, or ridiculing, WM or folks who stay there.

Campgrounds tend to have more of the weekenders.

That's definitely not been our experience, although I've never taken a poll at a CG. We've met numerous friendly folks who are doing just what we're doing i.e. overnighting at a CG while on a long-haul. I've often kicked myself when I've awoken to the sound of my CG neighbors' diesel as they pulled away while I'm still in bed.

Well Tom, you might want to check out a Wall Mart just one night.  You would be surprised at the security.  Cameras all over the place, security cars that patrol all night long.

Only once did I run across a worrisome incident, some rowdy people who obviously had had too much to drink (they were using a car, not an RV).  This was in Bristol Tenn.  The security had them out of there lickety split.

Campgrounds, on the other hand, can have super security or none at all.  I have been at some really scary campgrounds.  Never have been at a scary WalMart, though i assume the big interstate WalMarts have more going for them than an out of the way neighborhood WalMart.

Maybe I have traveled on a different path Tom, but I cannot imagine why a weekender would stay overnight at a WalMart.  All the ones I see are in the campgrounds,  When I was weekending I never stayed at a WalMart.  Can't think of a reason to unless i broke down.

Only when I took my ten week trip did I do that.  I think you would be surprised by the percentage of long haulers in the Interstate WalMarts in the evening.


Please re-read my prior message and your response. Doesn't look like you're reading/understanding what I write. Apologies if that's because I don't write very clearly.
Speaking of quick overnights, how about our 5-er friends here, can you do it without unhooking?  Some I have seen do not seem to tow level, and if you are going to overnight, that can't be all that comfortable.

Great question Bill and one I hadn't thought about.
OK chief.

I thought you were saying your mind did not allow you to sleep well in a WM and I was suggesting a night in a good Interstate WM might change that.

And that it was not your experience that campgrounds had more weekenders than Walmarts.

I apologize for misunderstanding.
Smoky said:
I thought you were saying your mind did not allow you to sleep well in a WM and I was suggesting a night in a good Interstate WM might change that.

That bit is OK.

And that it was not your experience that campgrounds had more weekenders than Walmarts.

Where did that come from? If I've never stayed at a WM how would I be able to make that comparison (which I didn't). What I stated was that my experience has been that CGs have overnighters.

I apologize for misunderstanding.

Accepted, although I wasn't looking for an apology.
BillnRI said:
Speaking of quick overnights, how about our 5-er friends here, can you do it without unhooking?  Some I have seen do not seem to tow level, and if you are going to overnight, that can't be all that comfortable.

Yes, you can.  Of course, we tow level :).  Once in a while, we have to put leveling boards under the pickup or 5W wheels.

I agree with Smoky, if people want to overnight at Wallies, then what the hey!
We stay there sometimes, (but I do prefer to pay $10-$20 for a State Park), & we have never had a bad experience at any Wallies'n'Sams Clubs & even got permission from the manager to stay at Sams just north of Seattle city center, & the only one that did bother me due to a high volume of overnight passing trucks was at Montrose, Colorado.

long live WallyWorld & all those who park at them!

Mick, (of the Brit variety!)

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