Campground Campfires Rule!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
As you drive your RV into the perfect site in the park, make your connections, set out your easy chairs and sit down with your beloved for some well deserved refreshment, when suddenly you next door neighbor at the campsite starts up a smoking campfire.

What's your first reaction?

Get out the marshmallows, introduce yourself and join in? 8)

Get out the water hose and douse the flames? :mad:

Run into the RV, closing the windows and doors behind you? :-[

Go to the office and ask for your money back? :(

Sit back with your Honey and let the smoke chase away the mosquitoes? ::)

Are you the one starting the campfire on your arrival? ???
Steve said:
Get out the marshmallows, introduce yourself and join in? 8)
If the days driving was good.  :D

Steve said:
Run into the RV, closing the windows and doors behind you? :-[
If my allergies are acting up and the smoke is blowing right in my face.

But more often then not we are :

the one starting the campfire on your arrival? ???
I like a campfire.  The builder can't control the wind so I can't blame him if the smoke blows my way.  I just move my chair away from the smoke.  Most likely, on the upwind side of his fire and enjoy the company.
Well,as it happens we just had  the perfect chance to answer that question.

Thankfully the fire was downwind

So the answer was:
Get out the marshmallows, introduce yourself and join in? Cool

(Only we did not bring marshmallows...)

If the smoke is blowing toward my rig, I'm going inside and close the windows first, THEN see above

And I may well be the one with the supply of firewood

If you add a gutiar to the circle around the fire... I'll grab /Rise Up Singing/
Rise Up Singing, great song book!  That and my Bluegrass Fakebiook. 

Leave the marshmallows, grab a beer and a chair.  OR I might be the one lighting up my smokeless Porta-Fire.

How about a rendition of The Cat Came Back?
BillnRI said:
Rise Up Singing, great song book!

Just looked it up on I'm always looking for a group song book to get others to join in.
BillnRI said:
Rise Up Singing, great song book!  That and my Bluegrass Fakebiook. 

Leave the marshmallows, grab a beer and a chair.  OR I might be the one lighting up my smokeless Porta-Fire.

How about a rendition of The Cat Came Back?

Don't drink beer (Well Root Beer (Diet) is ok) did grab chair, Do have a "portable campfire" for occasions and places where the real kind can't be used

And "The very next day, they thought he was a gonner but he wouldn't stay away"
That song was taught at an elementary school, some parent objected, it got banned.? ? It is now among my favorites.? We sang it at the kids camp I was at last week.? You can ask.

I just got back last night from a fishing trip to Batchawana Bay, Ontario. Smoking campfires haven't been a problem up there for awhile since it has been so dry that they have a fire ban in force. No open burning of any type. Hopefully they are, or will be, getting some badly needed rain this week.
BTW, fishing was terrible too.


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