Campground off of I-77 in West Virginia

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We are traveling to Myrtle Beach in April and would like to know if anyone knows of a good campground off of I-77 in West Virginia to stay at overnight.

Also has anyone traveled to Myrtle Beach from Michigan traveling on I-77.  The route we were planning on using was I-77 to i-20 in Columbia S.C. over to 501.

How is the drive?  Any advise would be appreciated.

Thank you.
Most of I77 is a fine interstae but I77 in West Virginia is traveling though the Appalachian Mountains. They aren't real tall but are closely jumbled together and can be steep in places.  No big problem, but figure on lower overall speeds than the typical interstate. Also be aware that part of I77 is the West Virginia Turnpike, a toll road that runs from Charleston, WV to the Virgina border.  I haven't been through that way in years, but sections of the Turnpike used to be two lane rather than four lane, a concession to the twisty path though the region.

I don't recall the campgrounds in the area, but the terrain in WV is not amenable to flat open spaces for camping.  You may want to camp near the Ohio side of I77 or continue on across WV and camp nearer the junction with I-81 in VA.  Do you have a campground guide such as Trailer Life or Woodalls?
Hi RVroomer,
Thank you for the information.  I have just been searching the internet for campgrounds.  I am sure we will find something before April.

I highly recommend that you purchase a Trailer Life or Woodalls Campground Guide - they are almost a necessity for extended travel.  You may not always be able to pre-plan your every stop and besides, a certain amount of spontaneity adds flavor to the trip.  A local Rv store can provide one of the guides or you can order form places like or Camping World.  Under $20.
Hi Jackie

Barnes and Noble also sell Trailer Life and Woodalls Campground Guides.
Just returned from our second trip to Fl. via this route.  I think I can shed some light on this.  First, you have several choices.  In W.Va. there is a campground in Ripley open year round.  Not great but OK for a one nighter.  Full hookups.  There is another in Beckley.  Never stayed there but heard it was Ok for a one nighter.  Did stay one night in Camp Creek state park close to the border of W.Va. and Virginia.  Really nice place in the Summer but would not recommend in the winter or early spring.  No water, no showers, no people, no cell phone service, one TV station....only electric, mountains, trees and bears.  This place is really beautiful during the summer.  I would not want to get stranded there in bad weather.  It is in the middle of no where.  Your best bet is Ft. Chiswell Campground just over the Virginia border.  There are two Flying J's close together near the campground.  The campground is not a place I would want to spend more than a night but they are year round, full service and clean restrooms.  Oh, they have a great dog walk area.  Nice people just a little light on the ambience side of things. 

The only bad roads you will encounter is the West Vigrinia Turnpike.  Parts are really rough but not unbearable.  Nice rest areas all the way.  Watch the weather closely as the mountains can get very heavy fog and lots of snow and ice.  Know this first hand on our last trip.  Pay attention to the cut off around Ft. chiswell that takes you on I-77 and the same in Columbia.  Good luck and enjoy.  The scenery is far superior to going down I-75
Thnaks for the firsthand report, funtime.  We got socked in by fog in that area several years ago and it is one of our unforgettable experiences - couldn't see far enough to even find a way off the highway. Couldn't even tell where "off" was. Stumbled upon a rest area that turned out to allow  tent camping and spent the night there in our fifth wheel.
RV Romer:  I had to laugh when I read your post about the fog.  This last trip was the trip from He@*.  Not only were we in fog so thick I began praying (really) that we were down to 10MPH with a line of cars and trucks a mile long behind us.  As you said you could not tell whether your going up the mountain or down.  The MH in front of us lost his awning right as we got into the open area with winds gusting to 50MPH.  Another MH down the road lost his awning as well.  It was blowing, raining, cold and foggy all within 50 miles.  I must admit when we pulled into the CG that night I almost had to change my shorts.  Take care.
I can certainly attest to the wisdom of going down to I-20 and then east to Myrtle. Last May (for the first time in about 5 years) we made the mistake of cutting through Charlotte (without the RV fortunately) over toward Darlington, etc. WOW! Seemed like wall-to-wall shopping centers and stop lights half way to Myrtle Beach. What a change for the worse in terms of travelling.

I also wondered how you get from the end of I-20 to 501? The obvious route looks like taking the 76/301 combination to the 501. Does that work ok hauling a big 5er?

We expect to be making the trip to Myrtle from Ontario ... through Buffalo to Erie on I-90, then I-79 (which has its own stretches of very rough pavement) to Rt 19 and down to I-77 in Beckley ... either this fall or next. Re camping in WV along the way, we will stop in SW Pennsylvania on the way south ... and by-pass WV and VA (in terms of campgrounds) altogether. Will likely try to get through the mountains and into the Piedmont in one day.  One of our sons and his family live in West Virginia. It is a lot more fun to run around the state in my wife's Jeep Rubicon than in our Dodge 3500 hauling a 40' 5er!



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