Camping table!

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2010
The RV park I'm at now does not provibe picnic tables! So I was wondering what is a good fold up table to carry on board my RV? Maybe something home made?

Scott  :)
Hi Scott - This is a pattern for a table we used for many years - unfortunately somebody else thought it was cool too and relieved us of it! :mad: Now that I have found the pattern again I think its time to remake it - from a single sheet of plywood! No hardware, finish it the way you want.
Perhaps one of our more experienced woodworkers can make a suggestion as to a lighter-weight but durable material to use?



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DH has a hard time with picnic tables, so he wanted a table with standard legs on the four corners and a chair that is not attached.  We wanted it to be used inside and outside.

We sleep on the dinette as a bed, so having a place to eat inside has been an ongoing test of tables this year.  We could scoot back on the bed and use bed trays, but we usually have to get up in the middle of the meal to get something we forgot, and we both like our feet on the floor when we eat.

My TT has a pretty good open area in front of the couch. Wooden TV trays are too wobbly and a tad too small, the personal size plastic folding tables that are 24" wide are ok, but one is not quite enough and two are too many.  I have a roll up camping table from Camping World that goes up easily, is aluminum and we use it as a cooking table outside, but it is a bit too deep, so you can't access the counter or fridge.

I just got a 42" wide folding camping table from Kmart that fits perfectly. It is 24" deep, so I can get around it if needed. It has three heights - 19", 24", and 29." I plan to put it outside with two folding chairs when not using it inside - it is a good size for under the awning.
They have matching folding chairs, but the weight limit is 225 lbs. I have some folding chairs that are a little more "robust" that are from Ace Hardware. The folding chairs fit in the storage compartment, the table fits under the bed.

i bought a plastic folding card table with metal legs at canadian tire. it is about three by three folded and three by six unfolded. it folds up like a suitcase and is only about two and a half inches thick folded up. it fits perfectly between our bed and nightstand which is out of the way for travel. when we arrive its the first thing out the door and set up outside. works perfect.
We have something like odie has and like it, does not require much storage space and not that heavy.
We have an aluminum roll up that we've had for 8 or so years, been a great table to have. I picked it up at year end bargain price so being a tightwad I keep looking to match that price.  If I can I'll buy another, or two.

We also had a folding one, it only lasted about 1 camping season before it fell apart.  They don't mix well with water and weight. I do not recommend. 

A family we camp with his two of the long folding style, pictured below, that have held up well.  Key is not to place heavy objects in the middle.

Key for us is something that fold up small, light weight and that we can leave in the motorhome year round. I don't want something bulky that I need to remove between trips.


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I have one like odie's too. Mine is made by rubbermaid, and works great. I store mine in one of the outside bays. We also have a cheaper model we use in our back yard in the summer, but the rubbermaid  one is a little heavier, and more stable.
I have one of these and it is by far one of the sturdiest and easy table to set up, stow away and takes up no more space the the normal fabric camp chairs that are so popular.

I have had mine for over 10 years and it has been through hell and still almost like new...the legs store in the mess bag attached to the table top and roll up and fit in it's own carrying bag! The legs have a threaded end that screw directly into the four corners of the top, takes bout 2 or 3 minutes to set up and take down.

I discovered it years ago on a rafting trip - the outfitter had a couple of them and they worked great. They even make one now that is similar and has adjustable height legs....

But I think basic and easy is the way to go. Many many people have liked mine and gone out and purchased their own

Good luck, but this is a small compact and easy to store table.


I just use an old card table with folding legs I inherited from my folks. It's a little shaky, buy hey, it was free. And it's nice and light.
We bought ours from cabala's a few years back.  I couldn't find it on the cabala's web site. It's similar to this one.
Except on ours, the table folds up into the bench. And the 2 benches connect together.

Easy to carry, store, and is pretty light.

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