Canadians going south?

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Well, I paid $1.70/gal of diesel yesterday in Wharton, TX.  I was plenty surprised.
    There is no reason to shed a tear for us poor suffering Canadian snowbirds.  While it is true that for some medical procedures there are waiting times, for the most part times for life threatening things are cut short.  As for the "onerous" taxes, the Canadian middle class has fared much better over the past decade than the American.  Does that mean that we have it perfect, definitely not, but I'll take our medical system over yours and I think any Canadian would agree.
    This string really grew out of a question I raised in another string about whether RVing numbers were down in his area, and if so, was it due to fewer Canadians, or the warmer winter up north.  Or if there might be other reasons for lower numbers.  It was never intended to be a political discussion on health care costs.
    With snow starting to hit northern states and Canada, things may well return to normal numbers in a couple of weeks.  If not, there will be plenty of good deals for us who are here enjoying near record warm temperatures.  The only negative of which is that the warm water temps have caused "red tide', so no fishing in the Gulf near us until it clears.

i was just wondering if people would cancel, or cut short, or postpone trips because of the dollar, truth be told for the most part we live where we live cause we want too. No politics please, i love to go south and visit all my American friend but this year we are cutting back how about you?
    DW and I are likely to stay here the exact length of time that we would otherwise have spent here.  However, 2 of our 3 kids, and their families are definitely not coming down this winter, and the third are not yet decided.  We've been here a week and a half, and we have not eaten out once, whereas we would have normally gone out about twice a week.
    Diesel, gas and most foods are cheaper than at home.  Restaurant meals have crept up, and the exchange hurts there, so we likely will socialize when people go out, but not run out at the last minute because we are too lazy to cook at home.  My kids are saying that places like Bush Gardens, Sea World, etc are heavily advertizing in Ontario offering discounted deals to make up for their reduced bookings.
    I was fully intending on shopping for a new to us TT, but now it's not likely I'll do much more than a bit of window shopping.  So, I guess if we all cut back or don't come, there will be some small impact, but in the end there really isn't enough numbers to make any major one.  To be honest, most of the people that I know who are not coming down are more concerned over the increased crime and terror in the US, as opposed to the dollar.

HFX its funny you mention crime or terrorists as opposed to the dollar i grew up in England during the 60's and 70's with the IRA blowing up stuff (even left a bomb in a restaurant we were eating in which was detonated by the bomb squad after they evacuated us) and i was flying with the terrorists on the 9/11 practice runs from Montreal to Portland Maine. So it never occurred to me that it was an issue - i was only concerned with the dollar. i figure if your times is up its UP nothing you can do.
    We crossed into NY State on 9/11 on our way home and never gave it a second thought.  We agree that if you keep your wits about you you should be able to avoid problems.  However, not only terrorism, but mass shootings, increased crime, and overall lawlessness,  has become a bug-a-boo with a lot of seniors, some of whom are now just staying shut in at home as opposed to traveling to the US, they are not even trying to go to other locals deemed safer.

with the exchange rate the way it is you will see a lot more "staters" visiting this summer including us spending a couple of months helping your economy
steveblonde said:
<SNIP> i was flying with the terrorists on the 9/11 practice runs from Montreal to Portland Maine<SNIP>
What's this?  Around 9/11 we heard lots of assumptions that the terrorists had entered the US from Canada, including via ferry from Yarmouth to Bar Barbor.  All that was subsequently proved to be completely fictional and that all those involved were shown to have been in the US for months/years before the attacks and that none had any connection to Canada, nor had they visited here.  Maybe I read your message wrong??
prior to 9/11 the terrorists where taking flights from Portland Maine to Montreal as a way to see what they could and could not smuggle on board in the way of weapons etc as well at figuring out how to get access to the flight deck, apparently they did this several times, and 4 days before 911 they took a flight from Montreal to Portland - i was on that flight, small commuter flight 12 passengers , when 911 happens CSIS (Canadian FBI) showed up at my door asking questions.
steveblonde said:
HFX its funny you mention crime or terrorists as opposed to the dollar i grew up in England during the 60's and 70's with the IRA blowing up stuff (even left a bomb in a restaurant we were eating in which was detonated by the bomb squad after they evacuated us) and i was flying with the terrorists on the 9/11 practice runs from Montreal to Portland Maine. So it never occurred to me that it was an issue - i was only concerned with the dollar. i figure if your times is up its UP nothing you can do.
That statement has a lot of truth to it, with the exception of the comment, if your time is up, there is nothing you can do.  All humans posses the fight or flight response, you can flee, or you can stand your ground and fight. 
The truth is, if you do nothing, you will die 100% of the time, when dealing with criminals, thugs, and terrorists.  If you take cover or concealment, and are armed, you stand a chance to live to see another day.  The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.  That's why "Gun Free Zones" are so dangerous.  The bad guys don't check their guns at the door, and obey the law (after all, that's why they're criminals). It only disarms the law abiding gun owners, who are now at a disadvantage, when they are confronted by a gun toting criminal, in a gun free zone.
rebelsun said:
That statement has a lot of truth to it, with the exception of the comment, if your time is up, there is nothing you can do.  All humans posses the fight or flight response, you can flee, or you can stand your ground and fight. 
The truth is, if you do nothing, you will die 100% of the time, when dealing with criminals, thugs, and terrorists.  If you take cover or concealment, and are armed, you stand a chance to live to see another day.  The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.  That's why "Gun Free Zones" are so dangerous.  The bad guys don't check their guns at the door, and obey the law (after all, that's why they're criminals). It only disarms the law abiding gun owners, who are now at a disadvantage, when they are confronted by a gun toting criminal, in a gun free zone.o

This post was not intended to be a political statement but i can assure you rebelsun that unless you have been in that position personally, you dont have a clue what your talking about and incites violence  - your statement is offensive i therefore ask you to retract it - thank you
X2, but lets not get into a gun discussion, you will never convince us, nor we you, but suffice to say statistics are just not on your side.

I'm not offended by Rebelsun's OPINION, because I believe in FREEDOM of opinions and the speech to say them. That's an American trait and a right that we hold dear.

Everyone also has the right to be offended by any opinion. Unfortunately someone stating that they are offended about almost anything isn't uncommon these days. College students are offended by the food served in the cafeteria. Shrug. Big deal. They'll either get over it or they won't.

Bucks - Rebelsuns post was offensive in that  - this is not a gun post, if it were thats a different story. This was a post about Canadians going to the states with our current exchange rate on the dollar, and it was mentioned that SOME CANADIANS WERE AFRAID BECAUSE OF SOME RECENT EVENTS and  i posted in ( possibly) error about my personal EXPERIENCE. not some hypothetical theory by some rebel ideal.  My right to bare arms means i wear t- shirts. This is not a gun post - thank you this is my opinion as this is my post please keep it to what i intended.
    To move away from the whole gun theme, the recent Las Vegas incident where a woman (with her 3 year old in the car) apparently intentionally drove onto the sidewalk mowing down several people, including over a half dozen Canadians.  Those incidents receive major press at home, and frankly scare a lot of people into not wanting to visit your fine country.
    It would appear that there may be several reasons why Canadian tourism is down, but who knows a heavy snowfall may bring it back to normal.


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