Cannot Find Monitor Panel :-(

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New member
Mar 31, 2011
I just purchased a used 2003 "Trail-Lite - by R-Vision".  It is an "8305-S" which I think means it is 30 feet long and has a slide.

I cannot find a monitor panel anywhere :-(  I am assuming it has one, but that could of course be wrong.  With a "sealed" bottom, I cannot see the tanks to follow a wire or verify that it has (or not) a monitor.

I bought it from someone that knows less about it than I do - if that's possible :)  So they are not a resource on this.  Also. the owner's manual is of no help.

Guess my questions are 1) Does it have a monitor panel?  and 2) If so, where is it?

One possible location is on the range hood. those are built in to the hood and easy to overlook as they don't stand out. Another is a small, usually white, box mounted on a wall or the side of a cabinet with lights.

Thank you very much!!  It is on the range hood!  It was a low light level and I just did not see it :-(

Thank you!!
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