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New member
Dec 6, 2012
Looking for a little help me and my wife 43 years old are looking to do a caravan tour and we are lucky to be able to go for long periods of time.  We are a little concerned with the whole age thing after talking to another couple on a resent trip.  Any input on the average age thing would be greatly appreciated.  We are think about doing a 60 some day to Alaska.  Thanks
You know, I've never been on one but I have been reading these boards for a couple of years. I doubt that those folks will hold your youth or inexperience against you. I would think that if your tin cup is not empty and your red cup is not full that you'll have a great time.
Great observation Quill. You took the words right out some folks mouths no doubt. What is this sixty mile in a day limit? Sure some of the geriatric crowd get that far walking backwards. Now could envision some danger of some rich old codger running off with a pretty young 
UncleShiloh said:
Great observation Quill. You took the words right out some folks mouths no doubt. What is this sixty mile in a day limit? Sure some of the geriatric crowd get that far walking backwards. Now could envision some danger of some rich old codger running off with a pretty young

Me thinks you were so eager to answer that you failed to read the OP's statement correctly.
I did.  I was adroitly trying to secretly change the subject so some other central theme so the radical Senor Citizen lynch mobs not come to fetch that that nice young man. Thanks for noticing. Loose lips sink ships.
I've been on a couple of RV Caravans ( to Mexico) and the age thing never came up.  Because we were gone for almost 50 days that meant most of us were retired so there is that age thing.  But age is just a number.  We had fun with the fun folks.  The old curmudgeons were on there own!

Betty, young at heart!

  By the way there were not any of those types with us!
UncleShiloh said:
I did.  I was adroitly trying to secretly change the subject so some other central theme so the radical Senor Citizen lynch mobs not come to fetch that that nice young man. Thanks for noticing. Loose lips sink ships.

The subtlety of your adroit and secretive change of subject and central theme totally escaped me.  That must mean I'm a member of the resident "radical senor (sic) citizen lynch mob". 

I don't think I've availed myself of the pleasure of welcoming you to the forum yet. :-\ 
Just Lou said:
The subtlety of your adroit and secretive change of subject and central theme totally escaped me.  That must mean I'm a member of the resident "radical senor (sic) citizen lynch mob". 

I don't think I've availed myself of the pleasure of welcoming you to the forum yet. :-\

I wish I knew what the sam heck you guys were talking about.  ::)
Age???  What's that???  Not relevant on caravans as long as you're willing and able.  I guess if the "old folks" are talking about things from the 1940s that you know zilch about, that could be more of a problem for you in terms of an age gap of interests.  But there are lots of people who are on caravans who are young enough at heart that you'll have fun with them.

If you're really worried about the "age thing", why don't you just go to Alaska and do your own thing?  We've done that twice.  You talk with other people you meet along the way, read some of the Alaska logs here on the RV Forum, and get a few books such as the Alaskan "bible" The Milepost and you'll learn about all kinds of fun things to do.


To answer your concern, yes, there is and will be a significant difference in the age group on your intended trip. Since we just returned this fall from our RV road trip to Alaska, and were often grouped with one of at least 7 different caravans that were basically going the same way that we were, I can speak with some authority.  In your 40's you will be the youngest present by a LONG way most likely.  I am mid 50's and I was also the youngest in the campground when the caravans were in.  That being said, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Depending on your type of RV activities you enjoy, you may fit right in and never miss a beat. 

Many RVers are extremely flexible folks where socializing is concerned.  But as for our style of RVing, a caravan would never work for us.  But for different reasons.  Most of all because of the "group" mentality of the caravans.  Because of the cost and wanting to give you the most bang for your buck, the caravans keep you hopping.  Nearly everyday the caravan folks were headed off to somewhere, either on foot, in a bus, or public transportation.  Often leaving at the break of dawn and not getting back til after dark. 

Some folks really love the regimentation, but it would drive me nuts. I like going slow, picking my spots to see, and coming back and hanging out at the RV each afternoon for cocktail hour.  And doing that for 60 days is WAY out of my comfort zone. There are lots of potlucks and group gatherings with everybody in the caravan.  Again, I can do a little of that, but I like just enjoying the solitude sometimes. 

There was quite a cross section of people in the caravans, and most were 20 - 30 rigs of all different descriptions.  Shoot, some of the caravan folks had been on 10+ caravans!  So it really depends on what you are looking for, and your style of RVing. 
We have driven to Alaska twice and loved it.  We took a caravan up to the New England states and loved it.
Advantages of a caravan.....
Plenty of people to help you do stuff as necessary.
Usually at least one young couple for heavy lifting and figureing stuff out.
Usually at least one old couple that are full of stories about their expierences R.V. ing.
Your camp sight is waiting on you.
The caravan folks know all the ''fun things'' along the way.
Pre Paid tickets to fun things.
You seldom get lost.
You got your own ''Gang'' of like minded people.
Loads of ''social stuff'' and usually a free jacket and I.D. thingie. 

Advantages of going it on your own......
You set the schedule of travel.....
You can stay one day or one week in a spot you like.....
You will meet folks along the way and sometimes travel with them.
If you want to ''dry camp'' along the Alcan you can.  (we did a lot)
If you have a problem, most caravan people will stop to help if they see you.
You determine how long you are gone and you are free to change your destinations and schedules as you like.
Freedom....... true freedom without schedules, without destinations .... total freedom...

As for going to Alaska by your self, it is fun.  You will stop in Dawson Creek and usually meet up with another couple heading North.  You can buddy up with them for as long as you like or spend one day and night with them and move on.  On the Alcan there are hundreds of RV people so you are never really ''ALONE''.....
We have done Alaska twice on our own.  The second trip we dry camped two days out of three and loved it.  When you dry camp, TAKE ONLY PICTURES AND LEAVE ONLY FOOT PRINTS.  You are safe dry camping also.  Just keep a clean camp with NO FOOD LEFT OUT TO ATTRACT CRITTERS and you will be fine.
Go Slow and look around.  We were '' in state '' for six weeks and on the road for four months.
Carry all your CD's and tapes because there are lots of places that there is no radio signal.
Either way you go to Alaska you will make memories you will never forget and the greatest problem with going to Alaska. 
We have been there twice in the rv and once on a 14 day inside passage cruise for our second honey moon .......

Today is Dec. 7......  do you remember what happened today, a long time ago??????

We've been on 2 caravans and loved them both.  Age is not any concern with them.  But because most of the trips tend to be longer of course all the people were retired.  But all the participants were certainly 'young', maybe not so much in the # but certainly at heart.  We would take another trip in a second.  Go for you, you'll love it.
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