Caulking questions...

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D. Grant

New member
Feb 27, 2019
Our new to us '02 FourWinds Class-C could use some caulking inside and out I'm thinking.  I'm seeing cracked, loose, missing, parts in several spots, basically not one particular area. 

So my question(s) are,  what are some of the preferred brands and types of caulking used on these rigs?...  and what specific types are used in say,  the kitchen/bathroom,  and exterior (molding/trim/seam) areas?  In a nutshell,  what is used and where.  LOL

I'm sure these rigs take something a bit different then standard household painters caulking,  and I've seen several brands and types in our local RV supply shops.  The personnel I've talked to in these shops just don't seem very well versed at all it seems.   

I'm aware of "self leveling",  and a few other types I've seen,  but can anyone briefly explain or put up a link or list with some information I could use.  I did search a bit,  and am still getting familiar with this site, and RV's in general,  but I figured I'd just throw up the questions and see what I can find out. 

Thanks for any and all responses.    Dale
Here is a great article that will explain everything you ever wanted to know about caulking.  For me, Dicor on the roof, Geocell everywhere else.
Most RV interior caulk/sealers are no different than at home.  However, an RV flexes more tan most fixed site homes, so caulks with greater "stretching" properties are the best choice. Outside, roof caulks are easiest if self-leveling, i.e. they flow out on horizontal surfaces. Dicor 501SW is the gold standard for that.  For any surface that it vertical or tilted, do not use a self-leveling caulk.  Geocel Profle or Proflex RV are great for any seam that does NOT have EPDM rubber on one side (I.e. the rubber roof material). Proflex is not recommended for use wher it touches EPDM rubber.
SpencerPJ said:
Here is a great article that will explain everything you ever wanted to know about caulking.  For me, Dicor on the roof, Geocell everywhere else.

Excellent article. Thanks for posting.  :))
    I kept having leaks reappear where the fibreglass cap met the rubber roof.  Eternabond tape seems to have fixed that problem permanently.

Very good info people!  Thank you very much.  I'll definitely look into all of this.  Much appreciated!

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