I have 3 CB radios in the "cab" The "Main" is a Cobra top of the line, hooked to an antenna mounted out of sight it is set to 19, I use an ear piece to listen in on the truckers.. That way the wife is not bothered by rough language.
The #2 is a vintage Radio Shack, perhaps 30 years old.. Set to Chan 13, the short stubby mag mount is stuck to an ammo case full of spare parts for the generator down in the basement.
The #3 is a midland hand held.. Set to OFF!
There is another low end cobra somewhere (Store room back in Detroit?) set to "Disconnected"
I think I've heard traffic on 13 one time in my 5 years of traveling.. They were not calling me.
I have had a few chats on 19 though.
OH, also in the area is a dual band Ham rig, originally a Kenwood TM-733 it is currently a Yesau FT-51 R handheld with Mirage amplifier. (The Kenwood locked up and I've not been able to unlock it.. The Yesau used to be in the car when I had one, as did the #4 CB) There is also a Wilson WE-800 on 146.520 Mhz, and somewhere a Motorola hand held on either 146.52 or 147.51 (2 channel) set to OFF. That's where it's charging base is.
I also have 3 FRS radios but they are not usually up front. Or used. They come in handy where I am now as the Cell Phones do not work well here.