ceiling light rocker switch failure

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
we have a 2013 keystone sprinter TT, and 3 of our ceiling light fixtures rocker switches have failed.

We have the egg-shaped fixture with a plastic lens on each end with a 2-way rocker switch in the middle.

1 of the 3 switches will not go into the on position, and the other 2 switches are very loose now and goes to the on/off position too easiler without anything happening.

I took off the lens on both sides of the fixture but the rocker switch is inside its own contained compartment.

has anyone had this type of problem? and if so, what did you do to correct it?

thanks for help.

bill & jodi
Stormy. Since you live in Florida, as I do, I'll be the first to respond.

A 2013 TT, must be brand new. I also suppose you bought it locally.

Here are a few steps you might take....some of them in jest.

1. Call the dealer and ask him what you should do.
2. If they don't know what to do then ask them to ship you a new lamp fixture, no charge.
3. If you get a new one, take a screwdriver..remove the bad fixture and replace. Probably only 2 wires need to be connected

4. If you can't get a new fixture, tell him you want a new trailer.
5. Remember that stuff like that happens a lot on older RV's and most people don't flinch with a minor problem like that.

Take it for what it is worth. my 2cents worth.

yes we purchased it at CW ocala, we'll give them a call and see what happens.  That would be good if they can come up with a new one no charge.

thank you for input.

bill & jodi

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