Chains use on a diesel pusher

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New member
Oct 10, 2005
I am looking to buy some chains for my Newmar Kountry Star and was wondering if I should buy a single or triple set for my dual rear wheels? and if I were to purchase a single set would they go on the inside or outside wheel?

Typically you would install chains on the outside wheel of the dual axle only.
>>I am looking to buy some chains for my Newmar Kountry Star and was wondering if I should buy a single or triple set for my dual rear wheels?<<

I understand that some states including Washington require that they be carried during some period of time.  Personally, I would not spend the $100 to buy them new but find a old set that fits to satisfy the law.

I would not ever use them.  There is too much "Stuff" under there that would not react kindly to a broken chain.  I have to cross a pass no matter which way
we leave to go south and do not own a set.  I can usually wait a day or so till the roads are open and chains are no longer required.  The DOT here in Montana is very good about plowing and sanding so unless it is a really bad storm, we have always been able to get out.

We were delayed a couple of years ago for almost a week but that was because of a series of storms in Idaho and Utah that stopped us. When Idaho was clear, Utah was not and vice versa.  :-((

Just for your information, I have never used  tire chains in spite of growing up here in MT and commuting 30 miles each way over a mountain pass while attending college for 3 years.  Never missed a day of school due to weather- there were other reasons, but not weather!  I also have never installed them on the trucks I was driving to pay for that college.  VBG
Hi Jim,

Speaking of chains, when are you heading south?  Jodie and I plan to leave about November 1st unless too many blizzards threaten (grin). 
Our old gas coach had a set of chains but I never had the need to use them.  As you say, it is better to wait out the storm anyway.


  --Steve & Jodie
Hi Steve,

>>Speaking of chains, when are you heading south?<<

I'm not sure, Pat is dragging her heals this year.  We do have to be in Southern Caifornia in February for the birth of a great grand child.  I hope to leave before Christmas but no guarantees!!

If you are just going to carry them to be legal singles for the outside duel would be just fine, but if you are going to really need them single chains are almost useless. The wheal without the chain slides on the packed snow and ice and the wheel with the chain just  digs a hole. I put  doubles on the rear and singles on the front because when you break you lose control of the front end witout chains. However, nowdays I usually just wait until they are not needed.

Rob is spot on!
This is a good link discussing the use of chains and where to put them and the effect they have in each application.  the end result is use them one all wheels whenever possible.  now i am working on saving pennies to do so!

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