Change of Plans

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Utclmjmpr said:
It's pretty obvious when a state like Utah owns and operates all the liquor stores,, are they going to close.??  (Not a chance,, the sales are thru the roof now))>>>Dan

PA owns and operates the liquor stores, and they are closed. There is no distilled liquor currently available here. Beer is available at beer warehouses (privately owned) and some grocery stores, wine is available at some grocery stores.
I filled our tube with Boone?s Farm and MD 20/20. Grandkids were here over the weekend. Was watching Naked and Afraid when our grandson yelled from the bathroom ?Could somebody bring me a straw!?  I went in there and found him soaking in the wine. Now I have to explain to my daughter he?s purple from the neck down.  :mad:
Oldgator73 said:
It?s political. Has to do with the NRA. We have no need for a gun and nobody I know needs the gun stores to be open during this crisis. I feel the same way about liquor stores. I like a cocktail or two or a few glasses of wine a night but if liquor stores closed I would just do without.
NRA? Hardly. Connecticut is about as left leaning as it gets, but the gun stores are still open.
The gun store debate reminds me of when Obamacare was passed, ( to see what was in it!) only to find that tires, outboard engines,, fishing rods and reels,,and various sports gear had all been declared "Medical equipment"  Who knew.?? .>>>Dan

As far as the NRA being political,,I'm proud to be a life member for 40 years and over 6 million strong.!!>>>
RVMommaTo6 said:
I'm not asking this to get into politics, in fact I'm very pro gun and own a large number of them, but I'm curious and don't understand, why would gun stores be considered essential right now? Is it because of our constitutional right to own them? I mean closing gun stores doesn't mean people can't own guns it just means there's a pause on buying more. Maybe they don't want to be accused of going anti constitution?  Or is there something I'm totally missing?

  Many of these, perhaps most, are first time gun buyers. For most people this is the first “crisis” real or imagined, that the have experienced.  There is fear that we, as a nation, could experience a societal breakdown. Hunger, fear, desperation causes people to do odd things. Many of these people are now attempting to use their 2nd Amendment right.....whether that fear is founded or not! To these people, wanting to purchase, they feel justified in their desire to defend themselves and their families. They should be given the ability to fulfill their 2nd. Amendment Right. memtb
Memtb said:
  Many of these, perhaps most, are first time gun buyers. For most people this is the first ?crisis? real or imagined, that the have experienced.  There is fear that we, as a nation, could experience a societal breakdown. Hunger, fear, desperation causes people to do odd things. Many of these people are now attempting to use their 2nd Amendment right.....whether that fear is founded or not! To these people, wanting to purchase, they feel justified in their desire to defend themselves and their families. They should be given the ability to fulfill their 2nd. Amendment Right. memtb

Oh boy. Just what we need. More guns. If the virus doesn?t get us, the gun nuts might.
When in an RV in Delaware, Rhode Island, New York, ETC. and with a city every three miles and always in cell phone coverage, self protection may not be very important.
But in Texas, Colorado, Utah, ETC. where cities are a long way apart, and no cell phone coverage is normal, self protection could be more important.
In that situation, my shotgun and I are the law enforcement officer.
Just my OPINION.

LTG said:
When in an RV in Delaware, Rhode Island, New York, ETC. and with a city every three miles and always in cell phone coverage, self protection may not be very important.
But in Texas, Colorado, Utah, ETC. where cities are a long way apart, and no cell phone coverage is normal, self protection could be more important.
In that situation, my shotgun and I are the law enforcement officer.
Just my OPINION.

;D I hear ya! Down here in Texas, we have laws that protect the "possible victims" by empowering our citizens to own and carry guns! Maybe the rest of the country will wake up some day and stop protecting criminals (California and New York come to mind)?..
Utclmjmpr said:
Gator,, I pulled my Air Force time to,,, and I wore a GUN every day,,, so the rest didn't have to ..>>>Dan

:))    Count me in for four years in the AF as well....  :))
While I support the NRA I'm not a gun owner.  But while I support it, I don't get how 6 million gun owners are able to dictate the laws that the rest of the country (maybe 165 million adults) have to live with.  If your numbers are correct, that's maybe 3.5% of the adult population. 
Gary  Your numbers are WWWAAAAYYY off there are 6 million + Members of the NRA,,, A whole lot more than that are OWNERS..>>>Dan
Utclmjmpr said:
Gary  Your numbers are WWWAAAAYYY off there are 6 million + Members of the NRA,,, A whole lot more than that are OWNERS..>>>Dan

Even though I support gun ownership, I think there needs to be some changes.  Too many guns in the hands of nut cases.  The average American doesn't need an AK47.  Was told by a Swiss national a few years back that every adult male that was in the military has a gun and ammunition in the closet until the age of about 50.  Don't recall the exact age.  That's a lot of protection for the country.  That said, they go to jail if they open the ammunition other than to defend the country. 
garyb1st said:
Even though I support gun ownership, I think there needs to be some changes.  Too many guns in the hands of nut cases.  The average American doesn't need an AK47.  Was told by a Swiss national a few years back that every adult male that was in the military has a gun and ammunition in the closet until the age of about 50.  Don't recall the exact age.  That's a lot of protection for the country.  That said, they go to jail if they open the ammunition other than to defend the country.
Interesting, never heard this. I need to do some reading.
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