City water leak

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2018
Rochester, NY
I went weeks without "lessons" (or internet lol) and today I got internet back and a whole lotta learning! I've solved most of my own issues today, but one remains that I'm hoping you can help with. I have a water pressure regulator on my hose, I hooked it up to city water and it was leaking right back out. Then inside, it leaked across the floor from under the stove area.
When you say leaking back out. Is it leaking at the water hose connection? You may have to replace the washer inside the fitting,

Gizmo100 said:
When you say leaking back out. Is it leaking at the water hose connection? You may have to replace the washer inside the fitting,
Yes, it leaks out of the inlet and into the inside of the motorhome :/
Can you post a photo of where it leaks, I suspect that the plastic inlet fitting may have had water trapped in it at one point and cracked on the inside during a freeze, but that is just a guess.
RVMommaTo6 said:
Yes, it leaks out of the inlet and into the inside of the motorhome :/

I would replace the rubber wash inside the connection at the RV. If you don't have a extra..... swap it with the connection at the hose bib.
Ok leak #1. Water leaks from fitting when CITY pressure present: Replace the screen washer (NOTE it is a screen washer sold for like washing machines and such. not a regular hose washer (no screen)

Leak #2: Water leaks when pump on but hose not hooked up.

Remove screen washer you will see a small rod in the center NOTE you will get wet.

Using a pencil eraser or other rod about that size depress the button to let water flow
IF some "Debris" has blocked the check valve from closing this may allow it to flush hout.

If it works. Consider buying lottery tickets (Either you are "Hot" today in the luck dept or you have just used up your alotment so you decide)

If it does not work (may holler "YOU WILL BREAK IT"  well it's already broke so) replace inlet.

Temp fix for bad check valve:  Screw in a good solid plug (not a blow out adapter)
  In the mean time, fill the fresh tank and use the pump until you can diagnose where the water is coming from.  You need to have one of the kids at the tap to the city connection, have them turn it on and look to see if you can see where the water is spraying from.  You may want to first try having them turn it on for a few seconds to give it a bit of pressure, but not long enough to cause a flood.  If it isn't on the outside, then follow the water line, likely through the compartment, then inside, likely behind a cabinet or drawer.  It is a PITA, but you need to identify exactly where the water is coming from before you can fix/get it fixed.  It may be a loose connection, or a broken water hose, usually easily fixable with a double sided compression connector available at any hardware store. 

I'll check and do all that. I didn't want to deal with it so I ignored it and we're just using our tank. If it ends up being complicated, that may just be what we do from now on or until I want to deal with it lol
Sounds like a plan, I suspect that you can find a forum member along your route at some point with tools and experience that could help get this sorted out in quick order.
Lol one positive aspect of homeschool is calling everything education, "here, do my dirty work!" I did that with painting the upstairs too; home ec! (Or practical arts as it's now called)
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