Cleaning products for exterior of pop-up?

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New member
Aug 7, 2011
The top of my pop-up is stained from tree buds and leaves.  Is there a good product that will clean these types of stains?
Try the Simple Green plus some bleach, a fairly stiff brush and lots of elbow grease. I wouldn't expect much joy, though. They really are stains.

If it is a hard top, you may be able to polish them off to some degree with a car or boat polish intended to removing oxidation on fiberglass and paint.
If it's a fiberglass top, you could try this fiberglass stain remover sold at boat supply stores. I haven't used it for many years, but recall that it used to work quite well, and required thorough rinsing afterwards.
I know this probably sounds silly but when I had my pop up I always used Clorox Bathroom cleaner. (The one in the blue bottle) That cleaned the canvas better than anything I ever found. Buy a small dish scruber and use the soft side. Then wipe the rest off with a towel. My camper was well over 10 years old and it was always much cleaner than the newer ones. I often had people tell me what a nice, NEW camper I had.
Here is also a list of supplies that you'll need:
Do it in the shade.  Whatever product you use (I vote Simple Green as well), spray and let sit for some time, work in, sit, work in, rinse. 

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