CO or LPG monitor?

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Apr 6, 2005
We have a 1988 Winnebago that has neither a CO or LPG monitor.  I was thinking about a CO but after reading some here I am wondering if a LPG might not be a better idea.  Also can I use household monitors or should I get one made for RV use?

For 15 years, we had a Class C motorhome with no gas monitors whatsoever. We never had a problem and never worried about it. Maybe we were naive but life was certainly easier before we got the monitor that sets off more often from dog farts than any other gas emissions.
You can avoide CO in the RV with reasonable precautions, but I would strongly urge getting an LPG detector.  A leak can develop and you won't know it until the detector goes off as LPG is heavier than air and will stay on the floor.  Mount the detector at floor level for that reason.

Train the dog to fart elsewhere :)
His bed sits in the middle of the living room and his rear end is usually pointed right at the LPG detector. You teach Sasha to fart somewhere specific and let me know how to do it !!!
The LPG detector is under the desk and she never goes there.  Probably afraid of the dust bunnies ::)
Thanks Ned,I guess I will get a LPG detector.  Don't have a dog so that is not a problem only have to worry about the ole pharts farts. ;D
On a recent trip, our granddaughter set our monitor off when she was spraying "Off " mosquito repellent to herself inside the TT.
wendycoke said:
His bed sits in the middle of the living room and his rear end is usually pointed right at the LPG detector. You teach Sasha to fart somewhere specific and let me know how to do it !!!

Hint:  Don't feed the pooch on beans.
Carl Lundquist said:
Hint:? Don't feed the pooch on beans.

Won't work for Labradors....they're know for their flatulence.

Moral of the story is, get an LPG monitor but don't freak out if it goes off....could be a variety of causes including bug repellant, dog farts and old phart farts.
If you ever use the furnace, I'd get a co monitor too.  They have a steel sheet metal heat exchanger, and if it fails, you will get co.  Better to be safe.

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