coleman a/c

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2013
west monroe, louisiana
hi every one need some help please, I need to know the suction pressure on a coleman, mark 4, I had a leak fixed it tested and vacuumed but not sure of the pressure, I do frozen drink machine not a/c units.
  I don't know if I can help but here goes.  If it is charged with R-22, a good running suction pressure at or near 70 to 75 degrees inside would be 62# to 68# with a head pressure of 250# to 275# give or take.
A different refrigerant would have different pressures
bio thanks for the help, room temp was 87, when I started, since I use 422a instead of r22, I work slowly and checked often at air temps, after 30 mins running I ended up with a 21deg drop, air temp 80 at room, air temp at unit 59, cooling very nice, suction ended up at 72
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