Colorado River Adventures

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Feb 6, 2006
Anyone out there a member of Colorado River Adventures?  I just received their brochure which looks interesting.  No pricing was indicated.  Is it one of those memberships where they have sold so many it's impossible to get in?

Uli621 said:
Anyone out there a member of Colorado River Adventures?  I just received their brochure which looks interesting.  No pricing was indicated.  Is it one of those memberships where they have sold so many it's impossible to get in?

In my opinion, if you want to spend 2 weeks a month, each and every month, at CRA parks, it's a good deal. However, it's a lot of money if you want to go to other locations and see other things.
Uli621 said:
Anyone out there a member of Colorado River Adventures?? I just received their brochure which looks interesting.? No pricing was indicated.? Is it one of those memberships where they have sold so many it's impossible to get in?


We strongly recommend AGAINST buying into and campground membership scheme.  Unless you use it like Bernie suggests you won't even break even.  Then of course there is always the probability the annual fees will increase or they file for bankruptcy and leave you out in the cold.  Oh one thing they forget to mention during the sales pitch is the clause that hooks you for life unless you are lucky enough to find somebody foolish enough to buy your membership.  Some may even try to pass you obligation on to your kids.  Stick with something like Passport America where you usually save your years membership fee with just the first few times you use it each year.  IMHO campground memberships is a good way to get ripped off.
We do have at least one couple here that joined CRA and find it cost effective for them.  Hopefully, they will see this and comment.
Thanks for the reply.  The main reason it looked interesting was that it had a park in El Golfo on the Sea of Cortez which looked like it would be good for fishing.  We'll think twice about it.


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