compare cell network coverage

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Jul 15, 2006
We need to get a new cellphone and network before we kick off in our MH for longer trips.  Mostly we will be on East coast, but a few out west rambles.  I doubt we will stay in the real boonies, but small towns and back roads will be the norm.  I have read many prior threads but do not have a clear answer.  Which cell network has the best off-interstate coverage?  Internet and email questions I will address elsewhere.
That is an unanswerable question.  Both Sprint/Nextel & Verizon reach about 80% of the US population but not the same 80%. And Cingular has the physically largest network of the big three, but not significantly larger than the others.  At any gven place in the country you will have service from 1, 2 or maybe even all three of these carriers, but there are also places that have no service at all from any of them.  And in some places one carrier will have a strong signal and the other a weak one, just because their towers are located differently, e.g. there is a hill or building between you and one of the towers. Move a mile or two away and the situation might well be reversed.  Many of us carry two phones from different carriers to try to maximize accessability.

If there are places that you will frequent more than others, make sure the carrier you choose has good coverage there. You can check their coverage maps, but they are broad brush and don't account for local dead spots. Its better to ask someone who frequents the area how their reception is and who they use.

Bottom line is you can pick whichever one seems most attractive to you.  Verizon & Sprint are probably better choices (right now, anyway) if you want to use the cell phone to get online as well as making voice calls. They have the best data services right now.

That pretty much was what I suspected from doing research, but just thought I'd check with those that been there done that.
We have done the coast to coast ride and down south and we use Verizon .. We use it for both phone and to get on line and we have found it works in most places... We have a problem in our own State.....NH..  The northen half has NONE..heheheheh
Houseofarticcats said:
We have done the coast to coast ride and down south and we use Verizon .. We use it for both phone and to get on line and we have found it works in most places... We have a problem in our own State.....NH..  The northen half has NONE..heheheheh

And OK, NM, and west TX for data.
I think Gary has given the best answer that one can give.

I settled on Verizon and am using it right now in Hungry Horse MT since the trees are blocking my sat.  Verizon is a good all around choice.  It has the best Interstate coverage, but of course that is not what you asked.  But it also covers most of my favorite off the beaten path places, which of course, can very from person to person.

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