Condensate dripping inside camper

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New member
Jul 6, 2013
I have condensate from the ac dripping inside the camper.  I have tried tipping the trailer and nothing helps.  Where on the roof top unit should the water be draining?
Under the inside cover you will.find a screw in each corner. Tighten them. These are the mount screws that hold the unit on. They do loosen up and cause leaks.
To answer the question of where the AC drains...

The unit itself drips onto a plate with drain holes around the outside perimeter. Condensate will run to whatever part of the plate is lowest, and drip onto the rooftop. If the water collects on the rooftop next to where the AC mounts to the roof and the screws Steve mentioned are loose, water will siphon to the inside of the mount and drip inside the AC cover, then into the camper. Tightening the screws as mentioned should take care of it.

If the problem is from a freezing of the coils (easily inspected by removing the filter and looking up into the unit. you should not see ice on the coils), then your coolant is probably low and having it serviced is required.

Since tipping the camper did not resolve the issue, it's probably in need of servicing.
All of the screws are tight.  There is no frosting of any kind on the coils.  The unit has been running on hi for about two hours now. I am not seeing any drainage onto the roof at all.
Where should it drain from the unit onto the roof?  Could the drained be plugged?
Elip said:
All of the screws are tight.  There is no frosting of any kind on the coils.  The unit has been running on hi for about two hours now. I am not seeing any drainage onto the roof at all.
Where should it drain from the unit onto the roof?  Could the drained be plugged?

I dealt with condensate drip from our AC last summer; I went up on the roof and removed the plastic cover from the AC unit. It's pretty obvious where the drip pan on the unit is once the cover's off. Have a poke about and make sure the drain ports on the drip pan are open - mine were clogged with dirt and debris. Clean then out well and replace the cover. I got lucky with mine - once the drain ports were open, the condensate dripped where it was supposed to and stopped leaking into the RV!

Thanks everyone for all the help.  I found the drain holes in the drip pan to be clogged and all is now working as it should.  Thanks again.
I agree 100% with Cremon, most of these problems I see are from plugged weep holes in AC pan. Good Luck

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