Condensation on camper pushouts

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Susan Rose

New member
Oct 7, 2018
First year in our Open Range camper.  Noticing condensation in all cupboards and one bunk On push outs.  How can we eliminate to prevent mold, mildew and rotting?
Susan Rose said:
First year in our Open Range camper.  Noticing condensation in all cupboards and one bunk On push outs.  How can we eliminate to prevent mold, mildew and rotting?

You need to open some ceiling vents when cooking and using the shower. You may also have to get a small humidifier DE-humidifier.
Rene T said:
You need to open some ceiling vents when cooking and using the shower. You may also have to get a small humidifier.

I think you mean "de-humidifier."  Doesn't sound like OP needs more humidity. :)
Air circulation is key. Leave cupboard doors open whenever possible.

As to the mattress, try a layer of cardboard underneath. It will act as insulation and prevent moisture buildup.

Instead of a de-humidifier, try DampRid. The small plastic tubs are very effective at removing moisture, but must be emptied frequently. I keep a couple in the motorhome.
We generally keep a vent open too. If you get a good vent cover like MaxxAir you can leave the vent lid open in rain or during storage. Ventilation is key.

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