Lets roll
New member
I am technically challenged so please use '50-'60's language! ;D
On a recent trip out west, purchased the WiFi card from Flying J. The first time I installed, IE worked/connected great. The next time I attempted to get access to the Internet, the WiFi connection showed excellent signal. When I opened IE, I received the message that it couldn't find the server. So....my question is how do I get IE connected to the WiFi or vise versa? Any tutorial anywhere?
On a recent trip out west, purchased the WiFi card from Flying J. The first time I installed, IE worked/connected great. The next time I attempted to get access to the Internet, the WiFi connection showed excellent signal. When I opened IE, I received the message that it couldn't find the server. So....my question is how do I get IE connected to the WiFi or vise versa? Any tutorial anywhere?