Copper Canyon Piggyback Train

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Has anyone done this? I must be in San Diego Feb 5-19, 2006. We will be in our MH from Annapolis to San Diego and return. I thought I would do Copper Canyon either before Feb 5 or after Feb 19 but I am having trouble with finding an agency with tours during those dates.

Any suggestions?
The Brewers did that trip earlier this year. Hopefully they'll see your message and will jump into the discussion.
JamesOne said:
Has anyone done this? I must be in San Diego Feb 5-19, 2006. We will be in our MH from Annapolis to San Diego and return. I thought I would do Copper Canyon either before Feb 5 or after Feb 19 but I am having trouble with finding an agency with tours during those dates. Any suggestions?

We did the 38 day trip last Winter.  I looked on the brochure I have with Fantasy and find this  trip that might work for you.  A 16 day trip from 2/23 to 3/10.  Their phone is 1 800 952 8494 and web site is  I highly recommend this outfit.  So many things were included.  It was the trip of a lifetime and I made a journal in our trip Journal section if you care to see some of the highlights.  No I do not work for Fantasy nor do I get any benefit out of my recommendations.  I just like to share the fun.  I also see a date Jan 14 to 2/5 but that might cut you close to San Diego on that last day.  FYI you can leave a caravan early if you like or need.  You are just on your own but the maps provided would get you there.

Betty Brewer
Betty, thank you for your response. I read your trip report and enjoyed it very much.

On another board, the question of slides came up. Can you put out slides at night while not moving aboard the train?

Can you run your generator at your discretion?

Essentially you are dry camping for five days while aboard the train. Is the day before boarding in a campground where you can dump and fill up with water? Is the night you offload also in a campground with full hookups?

JamesOne said:
On another board, the question of slides came up. Can you put out slides at night while not moving aboard the train?
Can you run your generator at your discretion??
Essentially you are dry camping for five days while aboard the train. Is the day before boarding in a campground where you can dump and fill up with water? Is the night you offload also in a campground with full hookups?

We did not put our slide out at night.? Two of the brand new rigs on our trip had mechanical difficulty with getting their slides in at the park just before we left.? The tail gunner stayed with them to fix and got help from the techies by phone.? but they almost missed the trip.? They were delayed over 4 hours waiting for the fix.? Had this problem occurred on the train, I don't know what would have happened.? You could NOT get through the? tunnels with slides out.? Also there? were security guards who traveled by foot up and down the train at night and I fear an open slide would have cut off their path.? I don't think you are supposed to open slides during the trip.? Our meals at night were all included at nearby restaurants so we had no need to do any cooking while on the train.

Yes on generators at any time.? Yes? parks before and after trip? offered "full hook ups" so our tanks were not a problem, however electricity in Mexican RV parks was always iffy. Ask away I like being somewhat experienced with these questions!

Well Betty, after your encouraging words, I have signed on for the Fantasy Jan 12-27, 16 day Piggyback tour.

I have decided to rough it without a toad. My wife has no driver's license and it looked like there may be a problem with me taking two vehicles into Mexico.

Another concern I have is our contribution to the happy hours. My wife doesn't cook and I am even worse. Any suggestions? Man if that's the only concern I have, I must be missing something. :D

Thanks again for the information.

JamesOne said:
Well Betty, after your encouraging words, I have signed on for the Fantasy Jan 12-27, 16 day Piggyback tour.
I have decided to rough it without a toad. My wife has no driver's license and it looked like there may be a problem with me taking two vehicles into Mexico.Another concern I have is our contribution to the happy hours. My wife doesn't cook and I am even worse. Any suggestions? Man if that's the only concern I have, I must be missing something. James

We did the trip with no toad.? We just made certain to be friendly with those who had toads and hitched rides with them.? Took them to dinner a couple of times too.? We saved a lot of hassles by having no toad and saved on the toll roads too. You are right about? the requirement to have 2 different? drivers' licenses if you tow a car into Mexico.? I think they are afraid you will tow a car to Mexico and sell it there.

Regarding? Happy hours... you? only need to bring things like? chips, pretzels, cheese.? No cooking required .? Most people had things? from Costco.? They tell me some groups do not do happy hours as many times as our group did? but we had a very HAPPY group.? Gained lots of pounds with the chips /salsa.? Have fun and? ask away for any other questions that may come up.

Betty Brewer

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