corner blocks?

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2015
Tacoma, WA
Hi everyone!!! I've been working a lot on the old girl, and in the process of tearing out all the rotten wood I have had to remove some of the corner radius blocks. Googling has found few resources to replace them. My question is...Are these exactly necessary for the integrity of the windows and cargo doors? To me it seems as if the framing around them does a good enough job. Thanks!

(These are what I'm talking about)
The blocks are used when you put a round peg in a square hole.  :) 

When installing a radius corner window into a rectangular cut-out, they fill in the corner gap to assist in making it waterproof. If you can fill it some other way, you don't need the blocks. And of course, they aren't needed at all if the cutout already has radius corners instead of rectangular.
Thanks Gary... I don't see how they help with the waterproofing, as they are between the wall and under the aluminum siding. My best guess is they are mostly cosmetic for the cargo openings, and just extra support for the windows. I will add wood ones, since that's what I have available.  ;) :D
If it were mine, I'd just make some out of plywood. 2 pieces of 3/4" ply sandwiched together and cut with a jig saw should do it.
I don't see how they help with the waterproofing, as they are between the wall and under the aluminum siding.

The window frame seals by clamping the inner and outer halves against the sidewall skin. Blocks between the inner and outer skin are there to prevent the skin from compressing and losing contact. May or may not actually be needed everywhere if the skin is already well-supported, but the standard assembly procedure probably puts them in every corner regardless. Better safe than sorry!
On a newer RV, yes. But on my old girl, there is only a metal frame on the inside, then the windows are screwed in from the outside. Lots and lots of Butyl tape.  ;)
I re-read that, and understand what you are saying now. I am going to make some simple wooden ones. Like you said, better safe than sorry!  ;)
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