Costco Batteries, any good?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2010
Wenatchee, Wa.
House batteries for my MH, Kirkland brand from Costco, cost $ 67 for the 24 series,
$ 87 for the 27 series.

First year free replacement, last two years pro-rated.

Price is right but are they any good?

Thanks in advance
The reviews are generally favorable, at least as far as value for the dollar, and Costco's warranty policy is well-regarded.  What are the specs for these particular batteries, e.g. amp hours and/or RC? Deep cycle or starting?  And are they flooded, AGM, Gel, etc. I would guess at that price they are the flooded cell type.
Looks like they are 110AH batteries. Not a bad deal I guess. A pair of them would get you close to a pair of 6v GC batteries.
If they can squeeze 110AH into a Size 24 battery, I want to buy a dozen!  110 sounds about right for a size 27, though.

I was under the impression that Kirkland only specs Reserve Capacity rather than AH. You can get a rough equivalence in AH if you divide RC by 60 and multiple by 25, i.e.

AH = RC/60 * 25

Mind you, I said rough equivalence. It is not exact and the math is not 100% technically correct. The actual AH would in most cases be somewhat higher, maybe as much as 20%
If you see a Group 24 rated at more than 75 amp hours check the method,, Wal-Mart, for example, says something like 100 amp hours at the 1 amp rate.

The "Standard" if such can be said to exist, is the 20 hour rate.. And a G-24. is around 73 amp hours at that rate.  The faster you discharge, the less amp hours.

Costco Batteries seem to be made by one of two different battery makers.. Both are well regarded.  When I replace my Interstates, if Costco can get me the proper replacements  I will be re-upping my membership just for that purchase.

After 7 years and more than a bit of abuse,, My Interstates are just STARTING to show signs of age... Still strong though.. Not yet even close to replacement.

I would expect Costco replacements to be nearly as good.

The 24 series 6 volt, at Costco were 700 MCA and 85 amps.  $68 bucks.
The 27 series, 6 volt,  were 750 MCA at 115 aps.  $87 bucks.

Don't recall what " MCA" means.  Should I go for the larger bat.
I have 30 amp service on my MH.
We dont like to replace batteries very often so for it it was either Trojan or Interstate.  While I know that Interstate is made by someone else and possibly Trojans too; I know how their warranty process works and I'm happy with their QC standards.

MCA means Marine-Cranking-Amps.  Measured at 32?

They are dual-purpose- Cranking and deep cycle.  One step away from pure deep cycle.

The 24 series 6 volt, at Costco were 700 MCA and 85 amps.  $68 bucks.
The 27 series, 6 volt,  were 750 MCA at 115 aps.  $87 bucks.

Don't recall what " MCA" means.  Should I go for the larger bat.
I have 30 amp service on my MH.

As Carson said, MCA = Marine Cranking Amps. Has to do with starting engines and nothing to do with deep cycle usage in an RV.

I'm still confused about the battery specs, though.  Those sizes are [almost] always 12v batteries rather than 6V (6v are normally packaged as GC1 or GC2 sizes).  Given the rest of the specs, I'm pretty sure what you are looking at are 12v batteries. Those are common spec numbers for a 12v battery in those sizes.

You should go for the larger size if you ever spend more than one night without shore power. Especially if you ever need to run the furnace while doing so.  But if you  always camp with shore power, save your money and stick with the smaller 24 size.
Installed 4 group 27 12 volt marine/deep cycle  batteries from Costco  in October, 2007 at 45000 miles.  Still going strong today at 78000 miles.
I stand to be corrected.

The deep cycle RV batteries at Costco were 12 volt.  The 6 volt ones were
$ 89 dollars.  The specs were, I think, 220AH at 20 hrs.  The sign says
"golf kart batteries".

Trojans (Batteries) are $ 140.  They last longer but don't know if the money difference
is worth it.

Right now I have 12 volt interstate deep cycle.

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