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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2009
Just asking is it real or is the whole thing a hoax ?
For me it's nothing but the flu and control over our lives....not buying what they are selling!
Hoax?  Have you lost someone dear to you, yet?  Have you experienced disabling symptoms yourself, yet?  Have you had a test to prove you are not an asymptomatic carrier? 

If not, put on the danged mask and help protect many others who are at risk.  This is not about you.  Wearing a mask is a about protecting those who  are at greater risk than you might be.
The hospital my daughter works at doesn?t call it a hoax. Where I live 5% of the people who test positive end up in the hospital, mostly with serious breathing problems. 20% of those end up intubated in the ICU. Many of those die. Oh, and we have been running 3800-4000 cases a day. Can you do the arithmetic?
If you all wear your masks i don't have to it just amazes me how you can go out and eat in a restaurant and the virus just miraculously passes you .    I goes I just don't get it .
No conspiracy theory here just not following the science. Lol.
It is real enough for me to spend almost 11 months in my house.

Unfortunately at 70 with congestive heart failure and diabetes, I would have a real serious problem if I caught it.

I wish it were a hoax, but we sure cannot count on it.
tugboat said:
If you all wear your masks i don't have to it just amazes me how you can go out and eat in a restaurant and the virus just miraculously passes you .    I goes I just don't get it .
No conspiracy theory here just not following the science. Lol.

It's difficult to determine if your are serious and honestly believe what you have posted, or if you're just "stirring the pot". 

1.  If it is a hoax, then one GIANT MONSTER conspiracy would be needed.  You need to understand that first of all.  How do you get people dying in 160 countries with a million doctors, nurses, world leaders, etc. all working in overcrowded hospitals, studying statistics, and implementing requirements to stop the spread and call it a hoax??  Then you gotta have 50 million people worldwide claiming to be ill, with a large percentage of those lying in hospital beds that doctors just pretend to be treating. Then there's the whole dead body management issue. To be a hoax, all THAT and more TAKES ONE HELL OF A CONSPRIACY.

2.  What is it about the science you don't follow?  It's simple - this virus causes a disease, this virus spreads by being exhaled from an infected person to another in air, and if the other person inhales enough virus from the air, they get sick, and pass the virus on to another, etc. etc.  If I lost you there, Google the term virus, breathing (inhalation), airborne, disease, respiratory illness, and other scientific terms you encounter.  You'll figure it out.

3.  No one claims that WHILE eating in a restaurant that the virus magically passes them by.  Eating un-masked in a half-full restaurant with decent ventilation DOES say that the individuals are willing to ACCEPT the risk that they may get infected while eating, which is less likely than if they are walking around the restaurant to a bar, the restroom, to the exit etc.

4.  Not sure what your "Lol" is about, but there is nothing laughable about this topic, and YES, you DO need to wear a mask because no mask is 100 % effective (more like 40 to 50 %), and in fact some like bandanas and neck gaiters are totally useless.  It takes everyone working to LOWER the amount of virus in the air by supplying some degree of protection against exhaling the virus, as well as protecting themselves against inhaling the virus.

Stay safe

I think that deniers are actually much more afraid of the disease than those who accept the unpleasant realities and take action to protect themselves and others.
They fear it so much that in their minds they keep constricting the scope of the disease's impact until the only reality for them is their own individual experience. "I'm OK, so everyone else imagining it."
A perfect illustration of the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand.

The whole canard about "my rights" is a denial smoke screen. Viruses don't give a hoot about your rights.
Tugboat, It's real but the young and healthy seem to fend it off.

Doctors are learning that just taking Vitamin D and Zinc helps you 77%. The vaccine will be out in about a month that helps you 94%. Vaccinating the majority of the public may be April.

Bottom line is take two one a day vitamins until you get the vaccine, use social distancing, wear a mask including over your nose and wash your hands after being in public.
I don't believe its a hoax,but I do believe it is over blown.
New York is run by czar Coumo shutting everthing down and forcing mask wearing. We are in Florida and without all the shut downs infection and death rate is pretty simiular.
I am sure it is not good for a lot of people but only as it contributes to other health problems.
We will see if they let us back in NY in about 10 days
One quarter of a million Americans are dead...

My wife got it. Thankfully recovered - still can't smell or taste anything (since August) doc say may be permanent.

My son got it - 23 and strong - on his back for 4 days - thankfully recovered at home.

I have socially isolated since March as best I can.  I am not messing around with this.

OP is exactly the reason we are in trouble. It's just as much about one's self getting it as it is about passing it on to someone vulnerable.

I am talking older people and everyone in the world who provides us face to face services - like grocery shopping, food transportation, teachers, First Responders and care givers etc, etc, etc,

Can't go to a restaurant and have to wear a mask? Boo freakin' hoo... Call the Whaaaaaahhhmbulance...

It is really tragic how selfish many Americans have become.
"This is not about you"

This is the exact reason we can not nip this virus, and without science and a vaccine, we never will nip it. 

Forces have conditioned, especially the youth, that the world is all about them.  Watch the documentary on Netflix, The Social Dilemma.  This world has way more to worry about than Covid.
garyb1st said:
Hard to believe we're still having this conversation.

It is, isn?t it. I lived in the UK for several years. They have a term...gobsmacked! We are in this predicament because of folks like the OP. Refuse to acknowledge there is a problem. Refuse to listen to the experts, instead listens to the crackpots, conspiracy theorists, and naysayers. How hard is it to wear a mask! How hard is it to practice social distancing? So you miss a Thanksgiving meal with friends and or family. It?s a damn dinner! Have it when the danger is over. Every time I see someone in a store, restaurant or wherever not wearing a mask I think what a freakin jerk. He/she doesn?t give a rat?s butt about anybody but themselves. To the OP; I hope you don?t get the virus; better yet I hope you don?t give it to some innocent bystander. But be clear about one thing, it is your attitude and your actions that are putting the rest of us in danger. It is folks like you, that think like you that are closing businesses, filling hospitals, wrecking the economy and yes, killing folks.
For the sake of argument, accept for a moment that "it's nothing but the flu".  But several varieties of flu are fatal to some who contract it, and all of them are dangerous to people who are vulnerable to lung and related pulmonary problems.  This particular "flu" is widespread (11.5M documented cases so far) and [so far] 250k Americans have died prematurely as a result.  Whether you call it flu or Covid-19 or #$%&, that seems pretty serious to me.  And worth taking some action to alleviate.  It can be debated whether some officials have been heavy-handed or made nonsensical rules, but calling it a "hoax" simply doesn't compute for me.
We found out yesterday that it just hit our extended family. Our nephew, his wife, and 3 kids - 3 out of the 5 of them have it. We don't know who yet but he's a CO so I'm guessing he picked it up on the job. That's just my guess, though. It's thankfully mild at this point - they are just self-isolating. We'll be thinking of them and hoping for a full recovery.
One of the things that leads people to conspiracy theories is the randomness of the spread of the disease. I have two grand nieces who contracted the disease from a baby sitter, but yet, neither of the parents got the disease.  Also, a grand daughter's boy friend got the disease from work, was only sick one day, but yet my grand daughter did not get the disease, nor did other people others who had been around him after he was exposed and when he was sick.

Then there is the friend of my daughter who was one of the biggest deniers, until he got the disease and was really sick for over a week, who has now become a big proponent of mask wearing and social distancing.

One of the saddest things about the disease is those that have it, and still want to deny they have it.
If I'm not mistaken, I read somewhere that the same people that "invented" the virus were in charge of the moon landing, 9/11, and the Denver Airport scheme.
I wonder what  all the people that allegedly died of the virus would say to your inquiry?
SeilerBird said:
I think we should rename the virus to the Darwin Virus. You gotta be pretty stupid to go around without a mask on in crowds of people and catch the virus. I think it is thinning out the herd.
Tell that to all the healthcare workers, first responders, and other essential workers who have caught the virus simply by doing their job while trying to protect themselves as best they can.
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