Cummins Coolant Maintenance

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
Do current models of Cummins engines still require maintenance check to verify the concentration of DCA? 

At one time there was an issue about long lasting anti freeze in Cummins engines where the long lasting ingredient would interfere with the effectiveness of DCA...has this been resolved?

What is the best way to maintain DCA levels and how is it verified?
Steve said:
Do current models of Cummins engines still require maintenance check to verify the concentration of DCA? 

At one time there was an issue about long lasting anti freeze in Cummins engines where the long lasting ingredient would interfere with the effectiveness of DCA...has this been resolved?

What is the best way to maintain DCA levels and how is it verified?


Cummins engines still need occasional tests for DCA. There are test strips that you can get to test the coolant, you drain a tiny bit from the radiator pet cock. DCA can be added 2 ways; there is DCA concentrate in the coolant filter which is slowly dissolved into the coolant, and/or you can add DCA concentrate, available at truck stops.

Can any coolant be used in a Cummins engine as long as the DCA is added or do Cummins diesels need the special coolant sold by Fleetguard under the brand Compleat?
I recently had one Cummins mechanic tell me that I could use any antifreeze as long as it was green.  Then another told me that I should use the "low silicate" grade.  That is what I am using.  Of course, with the DCA added.
The Cummins manual warns to use only low silicate antifeeze.  DCA should be checked at least at every oils change.  Usually replacement of the water filter at oil change will keep the DCA in good shape.

Steve said:

Can any coolant be used in a Cummins engine as long as the DCA is added or do Cummins diesels need the special coolant sold by Fleetguard under the brand Compleat?

If you have a diesel engine, you need to use a low silicate formula. Prestone won't work ;) For topping off, it is best to use a formula similar to the type you already have in the radiator, you can't go by color, different manufacturers use different colors for their products. Probably the best choice for topping off is Compleat since you don't have to mix it with distilled water, it is already premixed. I believe Freightliner also has a similar product which would work just as well.

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