Cummins Environmental Status

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
While wandering through the new coach displays at FMCA-Minot, I listened to the comments of the dealer sales people regarding engines. Particularly in the Fleetwood area, I would hear people ask why no Cummins and the sales person would reply because Cummins couldn't supply a compliant engine. To check it for myself, I approached a saleperson from Beaudry, asked the question and got the answer. I challenged him but he was adamant.

I thought i would try to set the record straight for whomever is interested. Cummins has all ready met the 2007 requirements with the ISB,ISM and ISX and is thus earning "credits" for each engine shipped. The two engines not certified to today's requirements are the ISC and ISL; they are being shipped under penalty which is being offset by the credits earned on others. This is same procedure used by CAT before they were able to release the ACERT engine. By 2007, the ISC and ISX will be re-released using EGR technology the same as the other three. The bottom line is that Cummins has in place a complete range of RV? engines that will take them through 2009. What happens in 2010 is too far off to speculate.?

BTW - CAT will have to go to EGR technology for 2007 despite their panning of it when they released the ACERT engines. They are going to call it "Clean Gas Injection". They will take it post after treatment exhaust gas and pump it back into air intake; sounds like exhaust gas recirculation to me. ;D
Interesting post and thank you.

What are the implications for those of us who already have the ISC engine.  Are we grandfathered?  Any performance issues we need to attend to?
What are the implications for those of us who already have the ISC engine.  Are we grandfathered?  Any performance issues we need to attend to?


It means you will be driving your trouble-free ISC while they work the bugs out of the new engines. ::) ::) ::)
Smoky said:
Interesting post and thank you.

What are the implications for those of us who already have the ISC engine.? Are we grandfathered?? Any performance issues we need to attend to?

Yes, the engines are compliant for the year built as built and no further action is required down the road to meet the evolving stds.

I'm not aware of any performance issues. The ISC has been a very good engine and in service a long time as originally the mechanical C8.3 and then updated to electronic ISC

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