Curtis and Loretta Rose

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New member
Mar 16, 2006
Hi everyone.? My wife Loretta and I are "most timers".? We go back home to Texarkana, TX for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the rest of the time we travel.? We've been doing this for about 3 years and are loving it.? We are in our 60's and have a motorhome.? I am particularly interested in chatting with "seniors" about various ways to make our lives easier and overcomming handicaps inherent with growing older.


Sleep more, work less, and realize you can't "overcome" getting old-just ignore it! ;D ;D

I'm sure someone will have more helpful ideas.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us.  Please join in on any of the ongoing discussions, ask questions, or start new discussions relating to the RV Lifestyle.  Unfortunately getting older can be considered part of the RV lifestyle since none of us are getting any younger.  Thanks for joining us.
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