Datron DBS-3000 Sat Antenna system

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2005
West Melbourne, FL
Today a friend said his Datron 3000 TV system was not working. He has a Sony RX and it was dead. The DirectTV guy came out with a new RX (another brand) and could not get it working. The antenna seems to lock up on a satellite (probably the correct one), but no picture. The TV tech said the system needed a different chip (which is no longer available) to make it compatible with the new RX. Does this make sense or is he right?


>> Does this make sense or is he right? <<

Yes the Datron requires a connection to a receiver with a low speed port. The older Sony's & RCA receivers had it & I believe the Hugh's also. The new Satellite systems use DBS & find the satellites on their own. Since i don't believe any of the new sat receivers use the low speed port the only choices for your friend is to try & find an older system on ebay or change his sat dish.

At Moab, UT

Thanks for the information. He tells me the Sony has what appears to be a 9 pin (RS232) connector for the interface. He also has an RCA unit the same model as mine which does not have the same type connector. Must be an earlier generation which has the 9 pin connector. He was told he could get the Sony fixed but couldn't get a warrantee with the repair.There apparently are adapters available but reliability is still a concern. His solution is to get a whole new system. New RX and new automatic antenna. Thanks again.

Wayne -

Is your friend certain that the system was locked onto the correct [presumably the 101] satellite? One way to check is to see if transponders 4, 12 and 20 have a signal. Those transponders are dead on the 101. If the system is not on the correct satellite and the Datron has a stow feature switch, toggling the stow switch will cause the system to search again for a satellite.

The Datron may NOT need a connection to the RX to lock onto the satellite. Again the Datron will probably search for a satellite and then peak on it. If it is not the correct satellite, a toggle of the stow switch may get the system to search again and the process continue until the correct satellite is found.

I have a Datron 3050 and a Sony RX combination. At least once recently, the Datron locked onto the wrong satellite. Symptom was a 'peaked' message on the TV screen from the Sony RX and no picture. A discussion with a local shop identified the transponder information.

Good luck to your friend.

--  Ray  --

>>RCA unit the same model as mine which does not have the same type connector.<<

The RCA's had an RJ type connector( like a phone) that needed a cable that was a RJ to 9 pin serial. I think your friend was right on getting a new system as Datron is out of business & would be tough to get support for.

At Moab, UT
Ray and Terry

Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately my friend is leaving Wednesday so we don't have enough time to try anyting now. I will just let him get a new system. They are going to Alaska and won't need it much this summer anyway. Again thanks for the help.

Wayne -

As I wrote earlier, the symptoms your friend experienced are consistant with those I noted. When I locked onto the correct satellite, the system - both Datron and RX worked perfectly. If your friend decides to replace his system, I may be interested in picking up some spare parts.

--  Ray  --

I had asked him about getting the old unit. He said he was meeting someone out west to get the new one installed and he was not going to haul it around all summer. I do not know the status at this time.


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