Dealer Add-ons

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2006
I get the feeling the dealer is trying to make up for the cheap deal with high prices on add-ons (a dealer wouldn't do that, would he?).

They've quoted me some prices for extended warranties, tire road hazard coverage, and something called XZILLION, a paint protection process that they want almost $2 grand for,? and DIAMON-FUSION, which is supposed to make your windshield bullet proof, able to leap tall buildings, and shed water and bugs, or something like that--for $1500 it should.?

Does anyone have any experience with these two products?

If so, what did you pay for them, and do you feel you got your money's worth?

Additionally, their extended warranty program is XtraRide?.? Their prices seem quite high compared to Does anyone have any experience with either company?
You're right!  Car and RV dealers force you to visit the "business manager" who appears to be a non commission salesman and is offering you services.  Make no mistake, all this stuff is high profit add ons intended to boost the profitablity of what you have bought.

Resisit them all, and if any of this stuff interests you, you can buy it later where you can compare prices and make a much better deal.
As someone who negotiates for a living, I figure I can either negotiate them to competitiveness or buy elsewhere.? That's not the question.? I'm asking about the quality of the products they're selling.? You'll note I didn't ask about their tire road hazard warranty.? I found one with pretty much equal wording for less than half price.? All I have to do is show it to them and give them a shot at being competitive.? But I don't know what Xzillion and Diamon-Fusion are even after visiting their websites.

Since you are in the business, contact your favorite glass shop and talk to them about Diamon-Fusion.  I'm not familiar with the other one.  Diamon fusion is a polymeric process form what I have been able to find out that fills in the surface of the glass and supposedly allow it to be more resistant to impacts etc.

None of the local glass shops here support it, they know of no testing by a competent lab to verify the claims.  Caveat emptor!!
Haven't heard anything of these products, but you know as well as I thats just a different name for snake oil... ;D ;D ;D

Mop and Glow wax and RainX for $3500.00 ? Who cares how good they are ?  ??? Buy a bottle of RainX for $5 bucks and have the mobile wash guys come out and wax it once a year for $250 a pop, whats that? 14 years of waxing ? ::) ;D ;D :D
Kenneth said:
Mop and Glow wax and RainX for $3500.00 ? Who cares how good they are ?? ??? Buy a bottle of RainX for $5 bucks and have the mobile wash guys come out and wax it once a year for $250 a pop, whats that? 14 years of waxing ? ::) ;D ;D :D

I'm really familiar with Rain-X.? I used it when running car rallies and on One Lap of America.? The problem is it needs to be applied pretty much daily, and that's one t-a-l-l windshield.? It also doesn't come with a warranty against chipping and such.? I tend to agree about the other stuff, but they did spray black paint on a new 5th wheel and wipe it off without any remnant remaining.? Not sure I've found a wax that'll allow that.? If these products work, they're worth something, though not what they're asking necessarily.? If they don't work at all, they're worth nothing.
Well... Road hazard insurance on tires.... I don't have it on the Class A however I do on the towed and on the towed (15" rims) it's the best investment I've ever made... That thing, or rather Michigan's pot holes, eat tires smaller than 20" for breakfast.

Diamond Fusion works, in part. it does not make it bullet proof, just more resistant, it does make it shed bugs easier, Sadly when they replaced my windshield,,, they forgot something.  Much harder to scrape the bugs off now.
You don't want to buty any of that stuff from the dealer and you probably don't want to buy it at all, regardless of the source.

Extended warranties may have their place, though like any insurance it is cheaper to self-insure if you can afford to take the risk of a major expense item. You have decide on that yourself, but if you decide to buy that type of insurance, buy it from a broker such as or

Road hazard tire warranties seldom cover enough things to make them worth much of anything, at any price.  You will want to have an RV road service subscription (I recommend Coach-Net) and they provide nearly everything a road hazard warranty does (except paying for replacement tires) and a whole lot more besides. For less money.

As for paint protection and the like, how about snake oil instead?
CurtRR said:
I'm really familiar with Rain-X.? I used it when running car rallies and on One Lap of America.

My good friend , Gordon Lewis, was the first Brit to run the rally,Virgin Atlantic sponsored him, his co-drivers were the Queens guards !, I believe it was in 1989, he blew an engine in the car and cosworth over nighted a new one by concord.  ;D
John In Detroit said:
Diamond Fusion works, in part. it does not make it bullet proof, just more resistant, it does make it shed bugs easier, Sadly when they replaced my windshield,,, they forgot something.? Much harder to scrape the bugs off now.

Did this happen out of warranty?? It comes with a warranty against glass breakage for 4 years.

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