Desired 5er Features and Neo-Angle Shower Question

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2006
Evansville, IN
I've been thinking of my "ideal 5er". It would have the following:

- king bed option (becoming more common nowadays)
- rear lounge (common, has recliners and big window in back)
- bunk bed (common, but not in conjunction with a rear lounge)
- shower/tub combination (hard to find)

I've only found one 5er (Cruiser RV, longest model) that has both bunk beds and a rear lounge.  The bunk bed is located in a narrow slideout in the middle of the unit.  But I'm having trouble finding many 5ers at all with a tub/shower option. Most only have these tiny "neo-angle" showers. Being a big guy (6 ft, 260 lbs), those showers seem way too tiny, and my wife wonders how ladies shave their legs in them and how parents bath their children in them.

Has anybody ever seen a 5er with all these features?  How do ladies and parents handle those challenges in the tiny neo-angle shower units?

GaryB said:
.....  But I'm having trouble finding many 5ers at all with a tub/shower option. Most only have these tiny "neo-angle" showers. Being a big guy (6 ft, 260 lbs), those showers seem way too tiny, and my wife wonders how ladies shave their legs in them and how parents bath their children in them.......


If I'm looking at a RV and the shower looks small I take my shoes off and get in the shower and go through the motions of taking a shower to see if I have enough room.
One of the things I let them talk me out of was a real tub shower,  I'm 6'3" by over 300 lbs and trust me, that tiny shower is just what it looks like TINY.  I have, however, managed to adapt.

For one thing the "Phone type" shower head (Hand held is what that means) works rather well in a small space cause you move it to where you need the water instead of moving where you need the water to it.  I actually like them for some locations better than a fixed wall mount.  I did have to install a second "Travel latch" near the top of the door so I could reach over and lock/unlock it though cause I kept knocking the door open.

As for leg work.. There is often a ledge in the corner on those showers, your "Backside" may stick out the door but your leg will be inside the shower.    Still... I keep dreaming of a tub type modification, but with only six gallons of hot water.. I don't know

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