Diesel Fumes Cause Lung Cancer

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jje1960 said:
Wow, so this is a big surprise to anyone?...  "Diesel exhaust is carcinogenic in human lungs, according to a scientific working group of the W...."  Is not any carbon based fuel exhaust a carcinogenic in concentrations.....  Mechanics are now wearing rubber gloves ( as well as I when I change oil) these basic issues are pretty well known now are they not?  Great to raise awareness and caution for hazards, unless you are using a unit that runs on tight rubber-bands, definitely going to be hazards to be aware of.

Um, tight rubber bands "might" put an eye out!!!!!

The new SCR/DEF is an amazing system, Freightliner/Cummings claim the air coming out of a SCR/DEF equipped engine is cleaner than the air you typically breath.  If you stand in the exhaust of a SCR/DEF engine there is no, nada, zero diesel smell.
My RV is a gasser, so am not as worried. Of more concern should be eating  M&M's. If you eat M&M's while driving a diesel, you may want to start putting things in order . . .  :(
Bob Buchanan said:
My RV is a gasser, so am not as worried. Of more concern should be eating  M&M's. If you eat M&M's while driving a diesel, you may want to start putting things in order . . .  :(

:eek: There is actually people driving Diesels and eating M&M's???? FOR SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob Buchanan said:
My RV is a gasser, so am not as worried. Of more concern should be eating  M&M's. If you eat M&M's while driving a diesel, you may want to start putting things in order . . .  :(
M&M's my foot.  Try water.  I see people all over just teasing death by swigging on a bottle of water all the time. ::)
Linked to Bob's link of M&M's is another great cause of concern:  How to rid Girl Scout cookies of forest destroying palm oil.  The destruction is exacerbated if you eat Girl Scout cookies while breathing diesel fumes.

Years ago I worked for Mars Candy they make M & Ms. I worked in quality control. I got to eat the Ws..

Now I am as big a a diesel.
If I recall, the food coloring scare started around '76. At first I began eking out the Red's and Yellow's - then decided it would be impossible for me to eat the equivalent quantity they fed the mice that got cancer. Also, a friend of mine who thought the study was silly asked me to save all the red's and yellow's for him. My response was, "No way, Fred -- buy your own".

My diet of choice over the years has been the low carb type -- beginning with Dr. Stillman's in the 70's. Peanuts are OK on those types of diets and are even mentioned as OK in the South Beach diet book. Have since decided not to consume all those food dyes and have gone to Goobers instead. Just a little chocolate over peanuts - no coloring. However, they "can" melt in your hand whereas M&M's don't melt until they are in your mouth. Remember that commercial?

Other scientifically proven facts about M&M's"

o If the last one in a bag is Red - and you make a wish, it will come true.

o If the last one is yellow - you should call in sick, or whatever because you will feel bad the rest of the day.

o If the last one is orange - your luck will be good the rest of the day.

o If the last one is brown - bad luck the rest of the day.

o Blue M&M's are good for the spine.  Studies show that feeding mice with spinal cord problems tons of blue food coloring caused them to be able to walk again. Not cured, but they got better. The problem was that they all also turned blue.  :(

o Green M&M's eaten while driving a diesel MH are an aphrodisiac . . .  8)
I remember those dye scares!  Jeez, have not thought about that in years, that was one of the biggies of the times... 'red dye # what-ever will....' !  As long as we have every tom, dick n' harry pork study paid for out of our big house... we will have every tom, dick n' harry produced report that means like absolutely nothing....  I actually know a guy that sat on a cooler of beer for a summer in fields in the south looking for boll weevil's or something like that...
Geez... I better stop going to Dyno Events...  ::)

These poor guys ran dyno equipment for a entire day in a thick cloud of diesel smoke...
I've got articles that I collected years ago about diesel exhaust.  Diesel exhaust is 20 times worse than gas exhaust.  Diesel exhaust is called a insidious poison, little warning to the person.  In other words you get sick and don't realize what made you sick.  Check how to make nitrous acid.  Have you ever had your eyes burn, throat sore from diesel exhaust?
    Laugh and joke, best to make sure exhaust pipes are in good shape.  I know a widow who got money from GE and N&S from diesel exhaust.  In 1990 the railroad started backing up over 100 railroad locomotives, because of design causing exhaust to enter the cab of locomotive. 
After reading this, I'm surprised that I am still alive.

It boggles the mind, but just has to be true. My wife tells me that in the Super Market where she shops the dairy case displays Fat Free Cream and Fat Free Half and Half.

If this catches on, I may sell all of our cows and start raising cows that produce fat free milk. I personally have seen Fat Free Icecream. No wonder our home made icecream tastes like it should and why we have not purchased commercial icecream for years. We make it with real whole cream but I did break down some time ago and bought an electric icecream maker to replace the hand crank one.

We make our own Yogurt now too since my wife can not find Yogurt in the store anymore that is not Low Fat or No Fat. Our icecream maker makes Yogurt with real cream too.

Fortunately my wife has learned to read the ingredients on food that she buys. She never buys anything anymore with "reduced fat, low fat, or no fat" if she can help it. For those types of things that are needed we always add fat when preparing for meals. We cook with Lard and butter also, (also with bacon grease when available) as always, never cooking with oils. We know that if it is known that heated vegetable oils are harmful to livestock, (this is true) then it has to be harmful to humans.
Rancher Will said:
It boggles the mind, but just has to be true. My wife tells me that in the Super Market where she shops the dairy case displays Fat Free Cream and Fat Free Half and Half.

Fortunately my wife has learned to read the ingredients on food that she buys. She never buys anything anymore with "reduced fat, low fat, or no fat" if she can help it. For those types of things that are needed we always add fat when preparing for meals. We cook with Lard and butter also, (also with bacon grease when available) as always, never cooking with oils. We know that if it is known that heated vegetable oils are harmful to livestock, (this is true) then it has to be harmful to humans.

Amazing, Rancher Will!! You were not aware that they sell low and no fat dairy products these days? And you wonder if it will, "catch on" . . .  :)

My brother felt the same way for years about animal fat -- butter, lard, thick juicy steaks . . .

The resulting cholesterol build up in his arteries finally caused a series of heart attacks. Hopfully, now that he has stopped eating most any kind of animal fat, he will survive. What you write here is either in humor, or you completely ignore the research of the past 25 years supporting the ill effects of animal fat. The concept is fairly simple - in that animal fat causes a build up of cholesterol in the arteries, they then get smaller, and finally stop moving blood to the heart.

Of course there are those that claim cigarette smoking isn't harmful either - and always cite that so and so smoked everyday and lived to be 100. It may be true that everyone that smokes does not get lung cancer, but most "everyone" that gets lung cancer, smokes. Same with those with high animal fat diets.

But it's a personal decision - my cholesterol level was once around 300 - whereas the last time I had it checked earlier this year, it was down to 160. Thankfully, my brothers is even lower now.

My only weakness now is with ice cream. My favorite begin Hagaan Dazz coffee. The animal fat content is high, but I limit my intake. The low and no fat brands taste so bad they are not worth buying. And I recall as a kid my dad making homemade icecream off and on during the summer months. He had a basic recipe plus then added whatever fruit to make it the flavor of the day. My favorite was fresh peach. And we took turns turning the crank.
Rancher Will said:
After reading this, I'm surprised that I am still alive.

It boggles the mind, but just has to be true. My wife tells me that in the Super Market where she shops the dairy case displays Fat Free Cream and Fat Free Half and Half.

If this catches on, I may sell all of our cows and start raising cows that produce fat free milk. I personally have seen Fat Free Icecream. No wonder our home made icecream tastes like it should and why we have not purchased commercial icecream for years. We make it with real whole cream but I did break down some time ago and bought an electric icecream maker to replace the hand crank one.

We make our own Yogurt now too since my wife can not find Yogurt in the store anymore that is not Low Fat or No Fat. Our icecream maker makes Yogurt with real cream too.

Fortunately my wife has learned to read the ingredients on food that she buys. She never buys anything anymore with "reduced fat, low fat, or no fat" if she can help it. For those types of things that are needed we always add fat when preparing for meals. We cook with Lard and butter also, (also with bacon grease when available) as always, never cooking with oils. We know that if it is known that heated vegetable oils are harmful to livestock, (this is true) then it has to be harmful to humans.
I cooked this breakfast over the fire on Memorial day, Will. I was thinking about mom, who would have loved the food.


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Bob, I hope that you noticed that I never made any diet recommendations for anyone. I only stated what has been our family's diet records for as far back as we have records and to the present. I am sorry that your family has had the problems you mentioned and hope you and yours keep healthy.

Fortunately, none of our family has ever had any health problems, as far back as we have records, (over 200 years) with the diet types we still use. Every year, after my health exam (I am over 82) the doctor complements me on my health. Except for those relatives who died in the various military actions or accidents as far as our records show, all of us lived to over 80 and many into their 90's. And all of my Children (ages 52 to 63) who also follow our mentioned common diet as they learned growing up, are also very healthy.

My comments were not intended to advise anyone. Only to state our experiences.
Rancher Will said:
Bob, I hope that you noticed that I never made any diet recommendations for anyone.

Yes, I did, Will -- but also that you appeared to mock the idea that there is any problems associated with animal fat consumption. So thought I would post that just the opposite is true with me, my family, and most of the friends I know that I have ever been involved with in terms of their heart health. Hey, even Bill Clinton writes that cutting down on animal fats may have saved his life.

Anyway, continued health for you and your family - and I appreciate your comments about mine.

In the meantime, I think I will stick with the recommendations of sources such as every doctor I have ever visited, the Mayo Clinic and the American Heart Association . . .
In the meantime, I think I will stick with the recommendations of sources such as every doctor I have ever visited,

Hi Bob....you sound like an expert on the subject. Just remember every person has differing genes and do not react in the same way.

  I am now at a semi-ripe age of 77. Never been sick one day in my life until age 65. Lived in 3 countries, and I guess you know what people in Europe eat. Lotsa fat, Tortes etc. etc. I never participated..hate fats to this day.

  At retirement I went to get a check-up to be sure I was ready for retirement. They found my HDL a little high (180) and put me on Statins. kept on statins and the value never changed. Next...increase the dosage. Didn't work. Up the dosage again. Soon I started feeling old.. leg muscles went bad. Next I lost my upper body muscles, arms and deltoids. Doctor said, I guess we will take you of the statins right now.

  Took me 3 months to get my arms working again with a lot of exercise, mostly in the pool.

Since then I have questioned 3 other doctors about it on how to fix my legs and they all refused to discuss it. Now I am a  partial cripple now and still no answers. Do I believe in conspiracy...not normally.

  Ever read the side-effects of Statin drugs, heard them on TV etc. They all say that muscle damage is rare but serious. I guess I won the lottery. Haven't touched a statin pill in years now.

Much research on the web, even from the Mayo clinic.... no answers.

  I am at a loss now on what to do except live with it. What a pain, no more Rv'ing.

Just a thought from a voice in the wilderness of healthcare and prevention.

Hope you stay well, youngster.

carson said:
Hi Bob....you sound like an expert on the subject. Just remember every person has differing genes and do not react in the same way.

  I am now at a semi-ripe age of 77. Never been sick one day in my life until age 65. Lived in 3 countries, and I guess you know what people in Europe eat. Lotsa fat, Tortes etc. etc. I never participated..hate fats to this day.

  At retirement I went to get a check-up to be sure I was ready for retirement. They found my HDL a little high (180) and put me on Statins. kept on statins and the value never changed. Next...increase the dosage. Didn't work. Up the dosage again. Soon I started feeling old.. leg muscles went bad. Next I lost my upper body muscles, arms and deltoids. Doctor said, I guess we will take you of the statins right now.

  Took me 3 months to get my arms working again with a lot of exercise, mostly in the pool.

Since then I have questioned 3 other doctors about it on how to fix my legs and they all refused to discuss it. Now I am a  partial cripple now and still no answers. Do I believe in conspiracy...not normally.

  Ever read the side-effects of Statin drugs, heard them on TV etc. They all say that muscle damage is rare but serious. I guess I won the lottery. Haven't touched a statin pill in years now.

Much research on the web, even from the Mayo clinic.... no answers.

  I am at a loss now on what to do except live with it. What a pain, no more Rv'ing.

Just a thought from a voice in the wilderness of healthcare and prevention.

Hope you stay well, youngster.

Well done making it to 77, hope you have many many more b-day's my friend.  Very sorry you have had potential side effects to the statin drugs, certainly must be frustrating considering they have helped 10's of k's live longer, including myself, without the side effects.  Best of luck in everything carson, would love for you to be able to re-enter the RV life, horrible seeing your signature with former RV'er.
One more thing carson... What an awesome map on your icon!!! You have been around, how bout posting some pictures with those memories!

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