Digital adapter box

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Jul 23, 2015
We just had a digital adapter box put in on Friday and dealer got loads of stations.  We are at our home and can't get any stationed tuned in.  We get note to adjust antenna which we did and to start a new scan.  We have done both many times.  Can anyone give us an answer why we can't get any stations.  Thank u.
Antenna up and powered on? Rotated to find  best signals?

If so, it is possible there just aren't many digital stations within reach where you are.  As a practical matter, digital tv is usually shorter range than analog. Can anyone else get over-the-air stations at your location?
I asked my husband to be sure power switch is on to the antenna and he said it is.  I wondered about not enough digital stations too.  No one around here has a motorhome or doesn't have cable or satellite TV.  Thank tYou both for answering.  I appreciate it.
Where I am parked here in S.E. Ga... If you can get one station on an un-modified Batwing you are doing well

Add  Wingman and you do a bit better.. I use  a Sensor pro and get five stations (LIke a dozen channels) via OTA.

Of course the park has free cable cause OTA sucks so much.

That is the big ting.

IF you have an Android (I do not know about Inferior Operating System phones) there is an app called Antenna Helper (Free)  Download it and open it.. It will read your GPS, then download all transmission towers within like 70-100 miles and display them in either a list or .. My favorite is the map mode.  The color of the line to the station is important.. Red not so good, Green great.
Just downloaded app.  We have four very weak signals.  No wonder.  And we have an old batwing antenna.  The information has been a lot of help.  Thank u very much.
I use that app most every time I move .. Kind of nice.  Where I'm parked I'm between weak and weaker as it were but with the full blown Batwing I get five stations (Best jack can do is 4, 20 yards from me) And the channel I'm watching now I can get both by Cable and OTA.. Stronger signal OTA.
OTA = Over The Air (Broadcast as opposed to cable or satellite subscription)

You may also read it as getting "Off The Antenna" and it will work just fine as well.

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