Dinette Table conversion question

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
I have a conquest 19kd and have already asked a few questions about this, but have a new one. I have one of those dinette tables that is a stand alone folding table so that you can carry it outside. In reality, this is a pain in the butt for converting it into sleep mode at night, dining mode at breakfast, then back into dining mode for transport.

I had considered using a bungee cord to secure. However, I've looked at a lot of rvs and have considered 2 installation possibilities:

1) installing a dual pole support - is this fairly easy?

2) I noticed they have a new convertible system in motor homes like a brace on the wall that eases into the bed position. Can you install this without affecting the exterior paneling of the rv?

Couple of notes, my trailer has a slide for the dinette area, so we would have to get under the slide...fairly simple. And replace the plastic coating...doesn't seem too difficult...if we do the pole method, I suppose....unless you can do this all from the interior?

What am I missing here...or what would make life easier.

The pole base usually just screws to the floor - no need to go underneath for anything.
As for the wall, it depends on how solid the wall construction is. If the interior is just thin paneling, it won't hold much unless a backer board can be put on to stiffen it and provide something to pout screws into. You could perhaps pt the stiffener on the interior wall, so you don't have to cut it open. This sort of thing takes some creativity, and your personal taste for cosmetic appearance is a major factor in the technique used.
Thank you, Gary. Yes, as much as I want my rv the way I want it...I also want it to remain looking nice for resale.

On our upcoming tours, we will be passing through the area where they build Conquests. Are most rv factories amenable to visits? I wondered if we could call ahead and drop in and talk with them about some modifications or possibly what it would take to design a custom rv.

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