Directv tivo questions

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2005
So I'm in upstate NY working for a few months with the plan of working here summer/winter and playing in Ga & on the road spring/fall.

I miss my TIVO!

So what I'm planning to do is sign up for Directv with weaknees getting the package that comes with a tivo and antenna.

I don't have a phone line so I plan to give directv my landlords number and use his line for setup.  Then I understand that I can disconnect and get on wiith life.

My landload has a dish on the house already.  If thats a dual whatever I'll use it.  (I don't think so since it only has one coax coming into the house.)

When I go to GA, I'll take the dual whatever dish with me & put it in the trailer.  directv won't know or care.

I'll have to solve the problem of mounting the dish & running the cables.  But that's down the road aways.

Have I got this right? Comments, suggestions?


That should work just fine.? You only need the phone line for the first call, then it will work without the phone.? If the existing antenna doesn't have a dual LNB, then you'll want to mount your own.? If it does, and it's pointed at the DirecTV satellite, then you would need a multi-switch to connect your receiver to it as well as the landlords.? Probably easier to mount your own antenna.

When you travel, you can use one of those antennas that sit on the ground or get a rooftop mount similar to the batwing type - adjustable from inside the trailer. It will mount in the same hole as the batwing (removing it of course), assuming you don't care about local tv stations.  If you want network coverage, you need to submit an affidavit and a copy of your trailer registration to get a waiver. It'll cost extra per month; about $9 bucks.
>> It will mount in the same hole as the batwing (removing it of course), assuming you don't care about local tv stations. <<

TERK makes an antenna that mounts on the dish and uses the same coax as the satellite signals.? Works for the local stations but is not quite as good as the batwing in my opinion.
Thanks for the input on antennas.

This local station thing is a mess.

There are programs on the major networks that we enjoy.  Where I am in upstate ny they are not on the satellite but available ota.  But that means that they can't be tivo'd.

So,... I am going to wait until after the first of the year and get cable and a "normal" tivo. 

I'm going back to GA for Thanksgiving/Christmas - that's less than 4 weeks away.

The rebate offers from tivo expire nov 5th so someting is in the works.  Anybody know?  I'm speculating digital cable support.


Can you tell me more about the Tivo DTV rebate offer?  I may do the same thing.  Might even install a phone line, get it going, then disconnect the phone line.

also, re local TV, we decided not to go national network.  90% of the places we have camped, out batwing got local TV just fine for us.  Only thing I miss are my Orioles and Ravens games.  Temporarily I subscribed to Internet radio broadcasts to get them.  Kind of fun actually, reminding me of the 50s when my Dad and I always listened to football and baseball on the radio.  Shades of Chuck Thompson and National Beer.  (Only Baltimorons would know what I am talking about here.)
Smoky said:

Can you tell me more about the Tivo DTV rebate offer??

The great deal is for new subscribers!
Karl said:

If you want network coverage, you need to submit an affidavit and a copy of your trailer registration to get a waiver. It'll cost extra per month; about $9 bucks.

Karl thanks!  I didn't know that.

If I wait until I'm back in GA for Thanksgiving/Christmas I can buy & install in trailer & get the network feeds.


I just had mine replaced under the same deal. Just told them I could get a free receiver from Dish and they agreed to the same deal for me. My hard drive was getting noisy which means it's going to die soon.


Just activated Distant Network Service today, $9.00 a month for east and west coast network feeds. I dropped our Seattle local channels so net difference was 4.00 bucks.

I missed Commander-in-Chief and Boston Legal from NY but will record it when it comes on at midnight from LA. ;D ;D

Smoky said:

You think that would work for me?  Dunno what I would do if they called my bluff.  I sure don't want to move to dish.

Can't hurt to try. If they call your bluff tell them you'll let them know. I'm not great at this type of stuff so I leave it to my wife. She's a smooth talker. Went to the campground office today to ask if it's OK to wash the coach. Guy said it really wasn't but go ahead anyway. :)
Smoky said:
So tell me what happened?  I was watching baseball instead.

Darned if I can remember but I have my wife working on it. CRS prevents me remembering more than a couple of days. :)  If she does I'll let you know. Jeff, do you remember???
I decided that Directv was too hard.  I want the networks!  I would have had to certify that it was permantly in the trailer, get the East Coast Feed set up & then move it to NY! Then I wouldn't have local news.

So Time Warner comes wednesday & the "normal" tivo is in UPS.  I woind up with a 190 hour tivo for about the price of upgrading mine.

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