Dishes and cupboards

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Aug 1, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Well, after many long days of cleaning, fixing electrical connections, and getting the 5th wheel hitch and brake controller  installed, we got the new baby hooked up and went around the block (here in the country that's about a  10 km run). Bruno practiced backing....and says he needs more, but was quite pleased with the ride. I have a few problems, though, and thought I'd ask you experts.

Somehow, a lot of weird things happened inside. Curtains fell off, doors opened, dishes shifted and broke. One of the screens fell inward. The glasses and mugs were intact, but had tilted badly. I'm off to WalMart today to buy a Corel set, but do you have any tips on where and how to put them away?

I had the dishes in one high cupboard on the left side, and glasses/mugs in high cupboard on the right. I've lined all the cupboards with rubber matting. The plates were not stacked high, and there were only 4 bowels, stacked 2 each. This is a 30' slides. The kitchen is in the back.

I wasn't in with Bruno (as he took our neighbor, who is a newly retired trucker, and we wanted input), but he said he didn't "hot dog" at all. Mind you, yesterday was one of "those" days. I had to send a fax last night and stayed on-line, wondering why it wouldn't send.  ::)

Despite everything, it was great to see ""MATILDA"" rolling. We found a campground that's just 15 min away, and hope to be in it tomorrow night. This way, we can run home for whatever we forgot. I may have trouble getting the dogs inside it, as they're little brains are having a hard time trying to figure out how the new house moved!

Thanks in advance....It's great to know we have you all out there, waiting to help newbies. I'm hoping to meet people at the campsite who can give me lots of pointers as well. I'm So excited!

Roll on!!
Storing dishes in a moving RV is sometimes a challenge.  It's an excellent topic for discussion!

There are a few options.

One is to store the dishes as low to the floor as possible.  However that is not always the best solution, so the next is to get some of that non skid rubber stuff that's sold in rolls at Walmart etc.  You would then cut a piece for each plate and anything else that is stacked or that can skid.

There are a number of ways to secure cupboard doors, including various types of latches that give a positive lock.  One type of latch can be unlatched only by a magnetic "key" that you is used on the outside of the wooden cabinet door.

If your current latches are not holding, consider replacing them with latches sold at an RV dealer.  These usually provide more positive locking power, though a search through Home Depot etc might yield the same type of product, but less expensive than at an RV dealer.

In out coach, I cut a sheet of Plexiglas, which fits inside the frame of the cupboard containing the dishes and glasses.  It slides in sideways, so when the Plexiglas is in place, it cannot be pushed out bu any moving dishes and cannot push open the cupboard door.

Plexiglas is a useful product inside RV's for various applications since it's light and durable.

While on the subject of moving and sliding objects, when you're at Walmart, go into the stationery section and get a package or two of the putty kids use to stick pictures to the wall.  That putty is useful for holding a vase, plate or other decorative object in your RV to prevent it from sliding.    It can also be used to stick pictures to the wall etc.  Once you get some you'll find many uses for it.

There are a variety of products in use to prevent stuff from moving around, though we don't see many of them in Eastern Canada...but you would find them in earthquake prone areas.  These products are designed to keep stuff from moving around in your house (or RV) in an earthquake or while you are in transit.
In a rear kitchen there will be much vertical movement and bouncing as it is far behind the axle. Store breakables low and with insulation around/between. Over axle storage has the least likelihood of breakage. Layering the rubber net shelf liner between plates is a common ploy.

Corelle is a good idea.

Cabinet doors may need additional hardware or use bungie cords to tie adjacent cabinet door knobs together.
Thanks for the info. Bought some Corell, and have rearranged the kitchen. May not be getting out any time soon, as Bruno discovered he didn't have the brake controller installed correctly. Will post as a new topic.

Roll On

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